• I think you created a pull request on your own personal fork?

    If you look at https://github.com/espruino/EspruinoDocs­/pulls you'll see that there is no Pull request from you there. If there was, I'd be notified.

    It looks from your fork https://github.com/sleuthware/EspruinoDo­cs/branches (is that you?) that you created a branch and merged it into your fork. If you clicked new pull request while looking at the master branch (or the one you care about) then it should give you the option of creating a pull request on the main repo.

    Once you have done it, the answer is really 'it depends' - simple stuff can get merged within a few minutes, otherwise it can take a few days - weeks if I'm busy.

    Looking at the diffs in your case, you'd probably need to remove a few extra files you have there:

    • the html files
    • the modules/test*.js files
    • modules/codeNeopixelEx3.js and it looks like a few other files, that seem to be snippets of code you're using for testing?

    Generally people send PRs for small things at once - one module and the docs for it. Since it looks like your PR has 25 files in it, I'll have to find time to go through and figure out what is/isn't needed - if you could try and issue PRs for smaller bits at once (eg. Colors) that makes life a lot easier.

  • Thr 2018.11.01

    ' I'll have to find time to go through and figure out what is/isn't needed '

    There are only four code files, (dependencies see NeopixelQuickStart.js) and three doc files. No edits to existing files.

    I thought I had it, then it appears to get worse.

    I created a new branch Neopixel20181101 and added the seven unique new files, project complete, that I intend to create the request on; of which there are three modules, three corresponding markdowns, and a sample code usage file.

    But, when I created the pull request on just that branch, GitHub is attempting to add 67 other files, which weren't part of what I had just uploaded. Was this a result of previously uploading files with similar names to perform remote testing (more below)?

    Also, there now is a strange error: 'Merging is blocked'

    Neopixel20181101 #462

    Open sleuthware wants to merge 74 commits into espruino:master from sleuthware:Neopixel20181101

    on the same page:

    Merging is blocked

    The base branch restricts merging to authorized users. Learn more about protected branches.
    You’re not authorized to merge this pull request.

    I scrapped completing the pull request.

    Time to consider that it appears this fork may be corrupt.

    Note: While I had used the \EspruinoDocs\modules folder in my fork to perform testing, that was done as the IDE wasn't allowing mapping of the \modules and \projects folders within a Windows documents folder. My only option to use local module files at all.

    ref: http://forum.espruino.com/comments/14447­493/

    As that is now resolved and I'm able to load modules locally now, other than using that area for remote require() module testing, I am at a point considering scrapping the works. I'm truly only out the time I'll need to re-upload files under test.

    Should this be considered at this time? e.g. starting over by deleting the entire EspruinoDocs copy and create a new forked copy


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