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  • Hi!

    I do not know what board you have, but any Espruino can do.

    I'm afraid this isn't the case. The Original Espruino won't do USB HID, however both the Espruino Pico and WiFi boards will. There's some info and example code on using them here:

    Another option if you wanted to go Wireless is to use Puck.js, as that can emulate a Bluetooth LE wireless keyboard, and you can still connect your gyro:­

    If you're dead set on using the original Espruino then you'd have to write some code on your PC to take the data sent over USB and translate it to keypresses/mouse input though, which could end up being a bit more of a pain - we could still try and help you with that though.

  • Ok, thank you for clearing that up!

    Writing it myself is not a something I want to focus on since I have a limited amount of time and there are other boards that provide USB HID.
