• haha, glad to see it may be useful to others :)

    @Gordon From what I can remember, the last time I checked, Fritzing was moving from two ways to prepare the board's svgs ? ( namings & stuff ), but I'm no expert on that :¬ / ..

    When I got time to, I'll add the pin labels ( as svg elements IDs ) to the .svg following the same convention used on the original Espruino & Pico drawings ( so as to be able to "animated" those +/- like the quick demo on the "EspruinoMimetism" repo .. )

    Also, did any of you see this one ? seems Nordic's got plenty of customers ;p

    @Gordon btw, if not said already, I received all my Puck's & didn't have time to have fun with yet, but the sooner I got to these, the betteeeeeer => nice works on those ;)



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