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  • @gordon, thanks for the feedback. In my knowledge, this would be a first step solution and would solve my needs.
    On a longer term, there are some questions, like what happens on something like clearwatch ?
    Would it be a better option to change definition of jshEventCallbacks in jsdevices to a struct, having a JshEventCallbackCallback and a JsVar for parent (or something else, I cannot even imagine right now) ?
    As far as I can see, there are only 5 locations, where JshEventCallbacks is used.
    Adding something like set jshSetEventJsVar to set and an if-statement in jshPushIOWatchEvent which would add this to callback ?
    I'm pretty sure, it is doable, but would it be helpful ?
    Lat not least it would slow down, would this be acceptable ?


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