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  • Blimey no, I wasn't suggesting you ask for a beer @Gordon! Just that you try quantify what might constitute a donation if you decide to put the button back! I think it makes it easier for people.

    Re corporate, well that's a different matter - FWIW there are a lot of corporates using my script (some that are direct competitors to me) that have never donated a bean! But this is open source, where we hope the benefits of altruism outweigh the bad bits. But you can't depend on donations there.

    So for corporate then:-

    1. Commercial licensing
    2. Paid support contracts
    3. Enterprise versions

    Re 3. they seem to come in two flavours - with private features that the open source community never see, or as seems to be a trend, Enterprise gets your latest version - you stay totally open source but retard the open source free version - so for Espruino "free" might be 1.75 while Enterprise "paid for" is able to access v1.81

    and that shows - when you get a proper board, plug it in, and things just work.

    The plug and play "ronseal" aspect of the Pico and original Espruino board is a massive plus - I guess its the price point of the cheaper boards such as the ESP8266 that attract. Your commercials are your own business but what you seem to be up against is cheap and increasingly powerful microcontrollers :/


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