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  • When reviewing my last post's code example, I felt a bit uncomfortable withe the choice of 'on' as a variable name. It became such an overloaded (prefix)word, so there may even a better solution.

    Btw, the example was not related to the font thing: I just verified my basic understanding of onInit() - save() code, re-plug power or press reset and see how Espruino 'reboots' and goes into my code - and it was still laying around in my scratch pad... and it became unintentionally the perfect match for situation. So only the last comment line was situation intended... ;)

    Other font for IDE: For sure it has to be fixed font... would have to look how it is pulled, because it should work nicely in available environments: Windows, OSX, Linux (even though OSX is a Unix as well, it goes its own ways).

    Regarding forum's font: I'm aware that the forum (code) was built for a different audience than programmers, and it turned out pretty good also for programmers, especially the letter o and digit 0 (zero) solution in text paragraphs, but not so much for the letter l and the digit 1 (one) in both text paragraphs and in code blocks. It's livable.

    @Gordon, btw, I knew that you could not have made that mistake in the 'get started sample', because I know that code you publish runs... because you ran it more that once... and I - and everyone else - appreciates this fact: it saves everyone aeons (cumulated) of time.


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