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  • Not at the moment I'm afraid. Espruino will already run on basically anything that will run Linux (so will be great on all those OpenWRT modules), but it is designed for devices with very little ram. When you have enough RAM it starts to make more sense to use a desktop VM, and then you might just use a Raspberry Pi.

    I think right now Espruino really has something to offer when running on small, affordable CPUs. ST has launched a new $1 chip that could run Espruino, and I'm far more interested in that than in adding a bit more RAM or clock speed.

    I think if you can't fit your code in 96kB it's not that likely you'll fit it in 192kb either. Having to spend a bit of time slimming your code down, but then being able to have them all over your house? That would be cool :)

  • I think a relatively easy "half-measure" on the more-powerful-espruino front would be selling Espruino Boards with the F-spec part instead of C-spec (so 96kb SRAM), and if need be, bump the price a few quid. That would make the Espruino Board hold it's own next to the Pico.

    To be clear, the memory situation on Espruino has gotten much better from when I started on it though, no question about that. Bigram, "epic jsvar refactor", and packed array change have all made great contributions to memory efficiency. The flat strings are again improving memory use, though the real contribution won't be felt until it covers modules and functions in root scope.

    ST has launched a new $1 chip that could run Espruino, and I'm far more interested in that than in adding a bit more RAM or clock speed.

    The STM32F030RC? Well, it's only got 256k of flash, and 32k sram, that'll be kinda ti.... did you say $1? Isn't that like, cost competitive with an Atmega328? That's an Arduino (among other things) killer right there... (Edit - aww) It doesn't support USB though, and the line that does only goes up to 16k ram, which isn't enough to do anything with. CH340G's are cheap though, I guess.


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