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  • Yes - providing something more business-friendly would be great. I hope this new board will go some way towards that though - it should be something you can prototype with, and that is easy enough to put in small volume products.

    I'd love to do some BLE stuff - the problem for me is really on the PC/Mac/Linux/Android/iOS side. Even if BLE on Espruino is really easy, it seems like you've still got to do app development to use it properly, and with every platform being different that's going to be a nightmare.

    Now if there was a standard for BLE->Internet bridges and you could just go out and buy one, I'd suddenly be way more interested :)

  • @Gordon You mentioned something about BLE? How secure is BLE? I'm afraid to use BLE because, I have been reading and watching youtube videos about how to crack/hack BLE; surprisingly its rather simple to do.


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