Thanks for your reply. Now I can not do any experiments, I'm at work and I have my lab at home. I did not try described possibility, I was permanently connected to the USART... moreover I did not know about this dependence. In other words ...
IF USART_connected THEN communicate_USART ELSE communicate_BLE
... Am I right?May I have more questions?
a/ Where can I find the rules how to describe the particular card? ...BOARD.PY
b/ FW for PUCKJS is in zip archive... what is in the file "espruino_1v91_puckjs.dat"?Thanks for the additional hints ... it will be long night today :-)
@Gordon Thank you for showing me the right direction!
Success! FW for NRF52832DK has been build and is working on the serial line.... Some values has to be changed in directory BOARDS, file NRF52832DK.py... see below ... Time to go to bed now.info = { . . 'default_console_tx' : "D29", 'default_console_rx' : "D30", . . }; devices = { . . 'RX_PIN_NUMBER' : { 'pin' : 'D30'}, 'TX_PIN_NUMBER' : { 'pin' : 'D29'}, 'CTS_PIN_NUMBER' : { 'pin' : 'D28'}, 'RTS_PIN_NUMBER' : { 'pin' : 'D2'}, };
@Gordon Thank you for your advice but the link espruino_1v91.58_nrf52832.hex does not work. I just installed the compiler and try to build some FW... Yippee... Espruino for Linux working...
OK, I'll respect that, I'll communicate with them only for my person. First, I'll give them a little time since they fulfilled their promises from KS campaign in advance. In the meantime I would like to try to do it myself, even though I had never done it.
I would like to ask you directly at the beginning whether I can expect any support from your side (from my side has already been demonstrated - bought 3 pcs Pico, some PCB, 2 pcs PUCKJS from KS project:-))... because the questions are sure to come. If you know that there are obstacles that are difficult for a beginner to master please tell me it now. Thanks in advance for you reply. -
It is bad sitaution, especially for backers of both campaigns, who thought of the synergy of both. However, I understand your opinion... fully understand! I have no tools to remedy the situation just occurred to me that I could forward our communication to RedBear, if you give me permission. Can I do it?
P.S. You are 100% right... I was also backer for their Redbear Duo. -
@Gordon I was backer of both projects (Puck.js and RB BLE Module Nano 2). I have both on my desk now. I would like to have Espruino on Nano 2 for HW experiments what should be easy, both have the same MCU. BUT I don't know how to put FW of Espruino to Nano 2. Please could you give me some hints how to do it. Thank you in advance for your helpfulness.
@ChrisZ I am using this to flash 1MB ESP-01...
./esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash --flash_freq 80m --flash_mode qio --flash_size 8m 0x0000 "boot_v1.4(b1).bin" 0x1000 espruino_esp8266_user1.bin 0x37E000 blank.bin
I understand and agree but each solution corresponds to the point of view. I see 8266 mainly as a slave co-processor for wireless connections and I would like to switch it only rarely... for reasons of battery life. Somebody asked on forum for SD card as external storage and we would have it on board (ESP-12F) with no additional cost... and anyway this flash memory "eats" battery capacity. The STM32F411 has up to 5 SPI, one could be used for this activity... it would need only to make the appropriate pads on the PCB for ESP-12F... It can be used by those only who want...
It does not matter what FW is in the flash memory ... The question is whether chip 8266 in OFF state (CH_PD is LOW) has "our 6 pins" in "tri-state=high impednce" AND flash memory chip has power... then we can have full control over flash memory ... we can do R/W/ERASE... anything... flash will be "shared" :-) ... I am at work now and have a lot of work... I cannot authenticate all things now... but maybe evening
@Gordon Thanks for reply... I am at work now, I will try it evening home.
@Gordon One crazy idea ... try to use ESP 12-F with 4 MB... the first 1MB to use for the FW of 8266 when the chip 8266 is ON (new AT FW is larger than 512 KB)... the remaining 3MB to use as extrenal flash for MCU when the chip 8266 is OFF ... or divide it 2MB/2MB for 8266/MCU... it is certainly possible in the case of own circuit design...
@Gordon I made the first tests after arrival... but with some error messages. Look at the list... any idea? (I have Pico, shim v2, FW v0.25, your tutorial, only SSID and PSW changed)
_____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |_____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| http://espruino.com 1v84.307 Copyright 2016 G.Williams >echo(0); =undefined >save() =undefined Erasing Flash..... Writing.......................... Compressed 81600 bytes to 24247 Checking... Done! Running onInit()... Connecting to WiFi Connecting to Google Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... Performing the SSL/TLS handshake... ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned Not enough memory ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x6d00 Connecting to Google Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... Performing the SSL/TLS handshake... ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x256a ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x6d00 Connecting to Google Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... Performing the SSL/TLS handshake... ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x256a ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x6d00 Connecting to Google Connecting with TLS... Loading the CA root certificate... Loading the Client certificate... Loading the Client Key... Performing the SSL/TLS handshake... ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x256a ERROR: Failed! mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x6d00 >reset() =undefined _____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |_____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| http://espruino.com 1v84.307 Copyright 2016 G.Williams >
@Gordon You are wonderful man, thank you very much.
I'm still in the mountains to ski... but after returning home I will try it. -
4K7 pull-up
I doubt you really want this... When pulled down by the MCU it's using almost 1mA (3.3v / 4700 = 0.7mA) to fight against it :)Surely the resistor can have higher value e.g. 10K but on the other side 0,7mA is 100 times less than avg. consumption of ESP8266 which is in ON state :)
Frankly said I am using the other mode ... when ESP8266 is permanently switched off (pull-down resistor) and I turn it on at the moment when I need to send some data ... to understand my idea look at the picture... there are 3 options- Rx -> GND ... ESP8266 NormallyOff
- Rx -> 3V3 ... ESP8266 NormallyOn
- Rx -> NC ... On/Off state of ESP8266 is determined by MCU
... and still remains the possibility to generate RESET impulse and save one output of MCU for RESET signal
... probably a standard jumper would be too big for your PCB but wouldn't be bad to have this option in the form of 3 holes on the PCB
... the resistor on GPIO15 has to be there... GPIO15=MTDO.. if you want to boot from flash then you need pull-down
... It is also good to have RESET pin with pull-up resistor because then you can connect together pins RESET and GPIO16 -> generate wake-up signal from deep sleep mode... although I'm not sure if this mode is useful in this configuration (MCU+8266)
... You can find good info in the material from Espressif "0B-ESP8266Hardware_User_GuideEN_v1.1.pdf" ...
... link http://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=818 - Rx -> GND ... ESP8266 NormallyOff
If you are considering a new board with ESP8266 controlled by another MCU please take into consideration the serving of pin CH_PD by one output pin of the master MCU. In many situations we don't need to power on ESP8266 in the same time as master MCU (battery life), it means that on the PCB could be any jumper with two positions:
- 4K7 pull-down ... the ESP8266 is not powered on together with master MCU but later as required by master MCU,
- 4K7 pull-up ... the ESP8266 is powered on together with master MCU but can be powered off by mater CPU.
I am using this arrangement and it is very helpful when you are running on battery. BTW the pin CH_PD can be used as RESET too, it means you can save output pin of master MCU for the pin RST of ESP8266.
Note: if you plan to connect GPIO2 to the master CPU please connect it with pin which could be RX... it would be useful for "cathing" of debug output from TX UART1.
- 4K7 pull-down ... the ESP8266 is not powered on together with master MCU but later as required by master MCU,
@DrAzzy @Ollie ..As far as ESP modules I have found chep and handy solution, see the links beneath... ordered but not received yet... the price is unbeatable so I have tried it..
http://www.wemos.cc/wiki/doku.php?id=en:d1_mini..another info.. ESP-07 is good one, I have a lot of them with 4Mb but I didn't see any new version with 32Mb... the best buy is ESP-12E of F now...
..very nice solution similar to ESP-01 but with more pins (+GPIO12/ADC +GPIO14), the modul is very small and with its number of pins is enough good for many applications, info here.. https://www.tindie.com/products/blkbox/4-layer-esp8266-wifi-module/
I have found a ready HW SPI library for ESP8266...
@GordonĀ @Kolban @tve can you look at it and review whether it can solve our problem with HW SPI? -
@Gordon Thanks for prompt reply... YES, I can wait a few days... I am happy that they are at your place :) ... please, let me know when and how I can order it at once... after your tests.
@Gordon I would like to order 1x adaptor pack and 2x ESP-01 shim V2 ... I see shim on Tindie but not adaptor pack... How can I order all together in "one shot" to save money for shipping?
@Gordon I know, I was the initiator of this new version :-) ... but solution described by @MichaelPralow would be nice, elegant and universal...
@Gordon You had all the time right :-) The problems were, as usual, on 2 sides ... between keyboard and chair :-) as well as Linux Mint 18.1 has problems with bluetooth. Now work both ways ... UART line and BLE (but BLE only on my corporate notebook with W10 ...pairing without any problems). Now I am in a state which fully satisfies me, maybe later I will strive for OTA FW upgrade (as PUCKJS) but at the moment I do not need it... it takes a lot of time. Now I use DAPLink as dev tool and it is very quick, handy for development. Now the time has come to also start studying things around nrf52832.
At this point, I want also to thank you for your support and I remain a loyal member of your cute and inspiring "toys".