I have to prepare for a TTN thing, 3 pi gw's and no device!!!
The device just has to be a puck.js (and due to other activities, a micro:bit).The problem to be prepared is the alterations of an arduino shield that contains a valuable module that is now in very short supply. (http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13572658/ contains some info as, by chance, there was a little connection there)
SMD ... hmmm, removal and replacement onto a @DrAzzy pcb.
Is the following video a viable course when one has no access to anything near professional gear (except a frying pan)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSbZMZ7Y9IU
(Update on the NeoPixels after Easter as Lara has to have time to be involved in the project: and also program the thing:))
@PiAir Just for your info, I would dearly love to do the picture.
I have now received some boards for the RN module from @DrAzzy and am preparing to remove the LoRa module and place on DrAzzy's pcb.
The module is in short supply as there is a version change and perceived supply problems: so I have to do DIY SMD with a frying pan, some luck and possible good outcome.
I have two of the green from nl, so at least one module should survive.Another alternative would be to remove the 3<->5 converter and drill holes.
The LoPy is indeed very interesting ( I want one :) ), however, I have to stop buying gadgets and concentrate on one pusher for which Espruino is fine.
(Gordon apears to know a lot about LoRa and TTN :) )
I would dearly like to visit this great guy, shake him by the Espruino hand and possibly leave something in his hand: in the meantime, I just send a very small token amount and save up for the next Espruino gadget (wife effect is present: but she sees a happy daughter with Things We Make)
One day in Denmark maybe: if I am ever so lucky. -
Not strickly on topic: the puck.js can do this with the right carrier board for RF (possible need for more power reserve)
(I do not name motion sensor (( oops)) )
And everything takes time so there is no rush as such.
The open hardware isn't open yet so I have no idea what is powering this node of things.
https://shop.thethingsnetwork.com/index.php/product/the-things-node/ price is 70 euros plus vat (ouch)Edit: no bluetooth visible in spec, but there seems to be an unpopulated copper area that looks a bit familiar. may be wifi, I can only guess
Edit: no copper area in the https://www.thethingsindustries.com/products/hardware pics.
Edit: http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13535822/ probably on this pic
I probably mount the puck on the other side and play with it at some time when I get a setup for test done. (I have two green boards I bought from a nice Beligium guy on ebay) -
Side subject, on the subject of pogo pins, can someone find what is likely to work?
ie a pogo that is correct length, fit into the pins on the bottom of the puck with plastic on bottom and female that allows for adhesion (or a 3d print of black bottom) for fixation.
I think this could be nice for the new (and old) puck.js.
Once found (with link to EU supplier), the pogo pins could be tested in the community.The pogo pins could be bought from Gordon if time/value allows with a buy of a puck.js (with price on pogo pins ((add on sales, be it ever so little)) ).
It would show ability of puck to be puck-ered on to something else and retain the cool design3D print of the bottom could come from community (as there are some cool guys out there who are good at 3d design ((I am not)) ). The 3D should contain openings for the pins that go into the bottom, and whatever is needed to hold the pogos in place
Thanks Gordon.
I review the stuff so far:data relative to supply was a new one.
At some stage, I may even get code on it :)Edit
I try first with the extra neopixels that come from the middle of the concentric rings: they fit perfectly into the extra puck.js housing I have with another puck.js in its own housing, a fun shape when the two housings are put together back to back
(wonders if there is room for a gyro in the second housing: stop, get the neo done Owen)Edit
I am really beginning to like oesterle battery replacer :)Edit
usa : needs to find something closer with postageEdit:
Project 2 : make a battery converter: two pieces of metal and some plastic in the middle: should be "ok" and the "leads" can hold the whole thing nicely if done correctly.Edit:
Update on the NeoPixels after Easter as Lara has to have time to be involved in the project: and also program the thing:) -
If you have a problem with micro:bit, one can post here.
As a patron of Espruino, then most eyes will be watching your problem, and, together with Gordon, get some reply back.
The kick back for me is, that if there is a problem, then I get to see it as well so I do not get a problem at some stage: there is no self-less act :) -
Yep: expensive, I got sponsered: they will be used for play and learn in education while the county council tried to find a sponsor for 5 that cover the town. In the meantime, they get setup and get used by kids if I can find the best solution for nodes with play and learn and fresh air measurements.
The lack of internet connections (and power) is actually a small subset of the problems I have ( a luxury problem in europe) in order to allow for quick diagnose of a down gw.The play and learn pi GW will probably have a https://nodered.org/ server as I might as well put some of the pi to use with that (or any other crazy idea I get).
Actually, the lack of a stable internet is sometimes a problem in some places in europe for play and learnEDIT
There are many thoughts about GW and lack of Internet backhaul that I want to address in my solution that may have interest:: new thread??? @Gordon -
Great: when I get this thing done, I'll post a video
One thing that is on my mind ... bluetooth scan for her friends mobile (she doesn't have a mobile) then display a pattern based on the info (name, hw address) into some pseudo random but "nice" display. Just another crazy idea that needs thought but could be fun.
However, she has to also program the thing: step by stepEdit:
The power to puck.js is expected to be it's standard battery, all power to the LED's from external. -
OK: my 8 yr old's puck is about to be soldered but ...
Just to be 100% and as I am ill with one hell of a cold, NeoPixel signal: what is the prefered output pin?
For general info: the power line and gnd get made into a bus (bare metal), the in and outs get small insulated connections.
Gnd and power to the neopixels get exposed at the edge (for strap so the thing can be a nice necklace)
Other signals get exposed at edge: touch would be good.
The thing can be a put on the wall, put on a shelf (with nice wooden holder)
Power in neclace scenario is batteries behind her hair with breakable connections so she doesn't get caught (power and gnd to NeoPixels will be exposed at edge and in middle area)Solder is maybe this evening if I feel my head can take it
Edit: not easily seen is the thin wood in front of NeoPixels
also note, the sweet spot for a nice spreading of the puck's own led's is about 1cm away from the wood: this is not being addressed just yet: I am going for a flatish back and maybe can add something in the front circle "one day"
Note that the battery is replaceable ie the puck pcb is level with back, battery container is exposed for easy battery replacementEdit: there was a delay due to me losing the puck.js from 11 dys !!!
Found :)Edit:
yep :) @oesterle there was the possibility to try: so I tried it
Cardboard, is also possible, and if the correct type, just as goodEdit:
Funny, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSyXpM1L4B4
came up on my screen with the start about the "clock": this is also a clock 24/12 rings: so somethings, one can't just do with a micro controller, some bits and pieces needed. Thank goodness for Espruino to allow time for the bits and pieces( when I finally get rid of this flu that just turned into hayfever :( ) -
Can I measure the heart or pulse with some form of something, for example puck.js and capacitive touch?
Trying for some gimmics
I will google latter for basic information, but if anyone has "the answer" (not 42) then feel free to show interest or input :)Edit:
Changes Gordon, this is great :) http://forum.espruino.com/comments/13526821/Edit:
Thanks for all the input: I get back with what results from this in a new messageEDIT:
Yes: but on the other hand, there is a guy in Belgium that may be joining the Espruino for tangental interests and allow for some cool things.
Let's see if he is hooked.
He is capable of making a module with tangental interests in Britain: 100 POC units could be easy with the best intersection of interests and it is just a question of time -
shows an nRF51 and a Semtech SX1272 -
OK: I am probably needing some esp8266 "because it is there": do you hold a little competition or something with "what I would like to have (within reasonable reason)"?
Best suggestion gets a patron pamper badge?It would need it's own thread though...could get out of hand, if it ever gets off the drawing board.
How would other patrons vote? of course, Gordon can put restraints but it could be "interesting" as long as it did not take up too much "Gordon time" (which is relative anyway, but usually too little time I guess)$66 of $500
Simple, less is more, is the best :) -
I "like" the charging, and connection with usb to computer ...
http://www.st.com/en/audio-ics/mems-microphones.html?querycriteria=productId=SC1564 mems microphone , literally a bluetooth microphone (ie two or more components to achieve function)
(smiles as reads 3-axes gyro: I don't one of those on a puck.js: 9 axis MPU-9150 is minimum requirements (only joking ( a bit ( I have a big pcb that does this for me) ) ) )
BOY, do I like the charging.
Ma has the puck.js watch
My 8 yr old will soon have the puck.js NeoPixel pendant.
So only software is interesting? (and the model in the above picture)
Edit: this forum really needs emotions for like the "Puck'er up":: good one.
puck.js is fashionable::see my 8 yr old daughter (pics this week I hope if I get it to work!)
By the way, I did a sweep of github for the names of the makers: no real fork traces, just some ios: so there is a bit of neat hardware (but I do not like the wave design) and then there is the prospect of neat software (and maybe we see more of the model) -
"Stuff" is on it's way: I tend to buy from people and not companies.
Pi will be production: nRF52 is going to be interesting.
Azzy'S Electronics Questions or problems?
The seller, DrAzzy, will ship your order from Cambridge, United States Contact this SellerItem Unit Price Qty Price
RN2483 breakout (bare board) $3.00 2 $6.00
SHIPPING: United States Postal Service International First Class (Tracked) $4.00Gnz Questions or problems?
The seller, Gnz, will ship your order from Zürich, Switzerland Contact this SellerItem Unit Price Qty Price
IMST iC880a LoRaWAN backplane (Kit) $5.00 2 $10.00
SHIPPING: Swiss Post MiniPac International ECONOMY $9.50Final order totals
Subtotal: $16.00
Shipping: $13.50Total: $29.50
The current status of TTN kickstart GW is no known delivery date which means I have to go to plan B: the "standard" Pi / ic880 : ie multi-channel.
However, the Pi can be termed overkill (opinionated).So step 1 is get backing for the gw's: 4 to cover https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/community/silkeborg/ around the hills of the valley that is Silkeborg (history started with water and the production of paper).
step 2 is make one GW with Pi for presence
step 3 is a bit of play and learn (nRF52 (puck.js) instead of Pi) with some tests: limited time as a constraint so that may not happen until more time and extra ic880
step 4 with regard to time constraint, use what I have gotten so far for the other 3 locations (my house is location 1 as it is has height and internet with clear sight over Silkeborg to the other locations)
The Pi has everything, including the kitchen sink and an SD card one has to be careful with in connection with corruption with power loss (solved by R/O SD access). It has IP connectivity (Ethernet and wifi).
The nRF52 /puck.js does not have IP connectivity "out of the box" so that is a factor that means that there would be a need for an "extra" contra ESP8266 (Gordon has Espruino WiFi: I just have not has an excuse/wish to use it yet).The answer is, "it depends" I know: is it "play and learn", probably.
(off to a meeting today to see if I can get backing)
In TTN (and non-TTN), many use a Pi.
I would like to use a micro controller.
Having stated this in a TTN channel, someone asked:
"Are they (red: nRF52) powerful enough to run a packet forwarder? I'd rather use an ESP8266"Two things here could be the hardware and the software.
From the point of hardware, and comparing apples with oranges, is there a golden bullet that says one contra the other?
It has some limits due to the JSVars so I have just used it to show kids another way of using a micro controller with the espruino on board javascript where the immediate access to programming contra compile and download