looks like there are only the scales and the RJ11-connector,
but the following info may be helpful from the http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/maplin-replacement-anemometer-for-n25fr-n76nf· 10 months ago
Internally, it is just a reed switch that is closed by a magnet on the rotating head. This means that there is one brief switch closure for every complete revolution of the head. The 2-wires to the RJ-11 connector (positions 3&4) come from the two terminals of the reed switch. -
AFAIK, some bytes are still occupied holding the (command) history for the Web IDE.
Source: http://forum.espruino.com/comments/12713514/
Also, try adding: global["\xFF"].history=[];
It's a hack but it removes the command history - something that could have been using memory that would have stopped you saving. -
Hi Gordon,
it looks like there is a little bug with the setSleepIndicator(LED1) which is not cleard with reset():
I set the Indicator and run a save(); but after a reset() and a following save(), the dump() still showed the setSleepIndicator(B2).
After calling setSleepIndicator() with undefined argument the dump is empty. So looks like this resists the reset() processing:>dump() setSleepIndicator(B2); digitalWrite(B2,1); =undefined >reset(); =undefined _____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |_____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| http://espruino.com 1v84 Copyright 2015 G.Williams >save(); =undefined Erasing Flash..... Writing... Compressed 81600 bytes to 854 Checking... Done! >dump() setSleepIndicator(B2); =undefined >setSleepIndicator() =undefined >dump() =undefined
Hi Gordon,
looks like the setSleepIndicator() is not affected by the save() for whatever reason.
I just had a setSleepIndicator("") and the dump() doesn't show the code any more after the save.
Strange.thanks for the link to Flash EEPROM Library, I will have a look.
For codingnights, I just create a sequence of experiments with the 'bare' PICO
so even newbies can create great effects with just a little bit of javascript in 2hrs time.
Just a handful of simple statements and try to make creative use of a button and 2 LEDs.
"Single Button Combination Lock" is a great example what can be achieved. -
I experiment with some standalone datalogger which issues save() internally for data persistency.
When I use reset(), the code is still in the flash memory and can be used with load(). That's OK.
But what is the correct way to reset the flash memory to a neutral state?For the moment in time I use "reset();save()"
But when the PICO is connected to a USB I get a constant green LED and the dump() says:
=undefined1st question:
So is there a way to clear the flash so there is no "setSleepIndicator(B12); digitalWrite(B12,1);" ?2nd question:
Is there a way for a 'mute' save().
save() generates a lot of output to the console; in standalone this may overflow the buffers.Greetings from Frankfurt/Germany, Uli
the onInit is mentioned in the reference of E.on() which creates handlers(!) executed when Espruino gets power.
While these handlers are independend from each other, there can be only one onInit() which may be more convenient if you want to modify "on the fly".
Greetings from Frankfurt/Germany, Uli -
@Gordon: Thanks for your info; so I have not overlooked a useable functionality in the references.
Still experimenting with "the bare PICO" and reached some standalone scenario:
I plan to modify the http://www.espruino.com/Single+Button+Combination+Lock
to automatically run as soon as it got power (save(), onInit ...).The original code uses console.log to show status which I like to keep when managable.
Is there a way to detect that there is no console attached so I can switch to alternative (LED signals)?TIA, Uli
@Gordon thanks for the reply.
So when I need to work offline with the IDE, I just have to transfer all the modules from your URL to the local modules folder?
I am pretty aware that's not the professional way to do, but when experimenting with the barePICO (just to learn javascript on a coding night) there may not be a WIFI everywhere.
I experiment with the single-button-combination-lock example.
But I want to hide the code array in an external file and use it with require:var code_code = require('combination_lock_code_code'); // var code = [3,1,2]; var code = code_code.code;
From the documentation I learned that I have to change the communication settings, so I entered:
file://C:/umerkel-modulesBut I got some:
ERROR: SD card must be setup with E.connectSDCard first
WARNING: Module "combination_lock_code_code" not foundSo: how can I use require to load some local module?
TIA, UliUpdate: just found where to put it: the MODULES subdirectory on the Project Path.
Hi Gordon,
I saw espruino in a presentation about IoT recently and ordered it as nice "toy" for coding nights where one can have visual success with even basic javascript knowledge and a "bare pico".
In the past, I used a USB-traffic light as some visual bonus, but this had a limited API and no "on board" intelligence.
So I'm not the typical user of your products because I do not make any money with it.Located in Frankfurt/Germany, it's hard to get a pico/espruino via internet.
To order a pinned-only pico, there is a swiss link (billed in SFR, customs problems for EU-citizens).
There is a german vendor for unpinned-only PICOs with a nice bundle offer.
But to buy an espruino, I have to contact another vendor.Your Tindie bills in USD and there is a long shipment distance from UK to Germany; perhaps some amendments like billing in EUR and pay by credit card would help to order directly from you (to increase your profit, as you do an excellent support job, so you should get the €s).
Greetings, Uli
P.S: On the other hand, I consider to contribute whenever you launch another interesting iteration (probably with some IBAN-id/credit card option cause I'm not a friend of paypal).
Hi Gordon,
when I go to the drivers download page for STSW-STM32102,
all I can get is the 1.4.0 version. Installing this, I see drivers for Win7 and Win8 only.
The docu says it takes a 1.3 for WinXP, but I couldn't find where to download this package.@allObjects: it looks I was confused because I have not seen a logo at first connect. I attended a presentation by Nico Koebler and always seen the logo (maybe only bad memory)
When I connected it the first time, after the connect it have not been able to send commands to the board.
So I found it a good thing to update the firmware.
Looks like I made it now, but I still have not seen the espruino welcome logo.
Under settings, the board is recognised now so I think I can spend some evening on it.
Thanks Gordon, for your quick response,
Greetings from Frankfurt/Germany, UliP.S: I tried to start with WinXP, but could not download a proper Virtual COM port driver package version 1.3
Shouldn't it read ...Array, not ...Arsay ?