@tage that's Li-Ion batteries. They are very demanding on what voltage is applied to them, and may take fire when overvoltage is applied.
Nominal voltage is 3,7V but during charging the voltage increase up to 4,2V (which is a limit that shall never be exceeded).
This charger can't be used as is, as batteries are charged by the 3.3V of Espruino's I/O. And with the available current on an I/O it will take loooong to charge a 2100mAh battery. -
It is possible but EL wire work with 100V at a few hundreds hertz. So need to add some interface circuit to drive EL wire with the Espruino.
The how many answer depends on the possibilities of the interface circuit. I have seen an EL shield at seeedstudio for Arduino which was able to drive four EL wires. Each of them could be powered on/off.
They also have another one that maybe more interesting working both on 3V and 5V but driving only one EL wire -
An ESP8266 alone is all you need to manage a temperature sensor. The ESP12 flavor is much better to connect peripherals. This board is less than 5$.
It can manage a one wire, I²C or SPI temperature sensor and send the information to a base station. You can even add a small OLED screen if you want to display the temperature locally.
You only need the pico at the base station. -
It is not an issue, it is a feature.
Look here : http://forum.espruino.com/conversations/275631/ -
@errantspark, every factory dreams of customers like you that buy boards by batch of 100 and serial fry them ;-)
I just gave a try and found it simple and efficient. Thank you @Gordon
Well that's what WS2812 are expecting. See page 5 of datasheet
Delay is not a good way to manage time dependant tasks as it uses all the resources for itself
You can do it this way:var maxTime = 500; var maxStep = 10; var count = 0; var timer; var state = false; var blinkActive = false; function blink(){ state = !state; digitalWrite(LED1,state); if (!state) count--; if (count===0){ clearInterval(timer); blinkActive = false; } } function launchBlink(){ if(blinkActive === false){ count = maxStep; timer = setInterval(blink,maxTime); blinkActive = true; } } function onInit(){ clearInterval(); LED1.write(0); setWatch(launchBlink,BTN,{repeat: true, edge: 'rising', debounce: 100}); } onInit();
Maybe it should but in fact not.
Just connecting a Nokia5110 to the Pico.
SCK to pin B13
MOSI to B15
D/C to B10
RST to B1
SCE to B14 or A8
VCC to 3.3VThis code gives a blank screen
B14.write(1); //CS_LCD var g; var MONTHS = [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" ]; function draw() { g.clear(); var t = new Date(); var date = t.getDate()+" "+MONTHS[t.getMonth()]+" "+t.getFullYear(); var time = t.getHours()+":" + ("0"+t.getMinutes()).substr(-2); var secs = ("0"+t.getSeconds()).substr(-2); // top left date g.setFontBitmap(); g.drawString(date,0,0); // middle time g.setFontVector(20); var timeWidth = g.stringWidth(time); g.drawString(time,(g.getWidth()-timeWidth-12)/2,10); // seconds over to the right g.setFontBitmap(); g.drawString(secs,(g.getWidth()+timeWidth-8)/2,26); // send to LCD g.flip(); } function onInit() { clearInterval(); // Setup SPI //var spi = new SPI(); SPI2.setup({ sck:B13, mosi:B15}); // Initialise the LCD // connect(/*=SPI*/_spi, /*=PIN*/_dc, /*=PIN*/_ce, /*=PIN*/_rst, callback) g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI2,B10,B14,B1, function() { // When it's initialised, set up an animation at 1fps (1s per frame) setInterval(draw, 1000); }); } onInit();
and this one works as expected
A8.write(1); //CS_LCD var g; var MONTHS = [ "Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun", "Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" ]; function draw() { g.clear(); var t = new Date(); var date = t.getDate()+" "+MONTHS[t.getMonth()]+" "+t.getFullYear(); var time = t.getHours()+":" + ("0"+t.getMinutes()).substr(-2); var secs = ("0"+t.getSeconds()).substr(-2); // top left date g.setFontBitmap(); g.drawString(date,0,0); // middle time g.setFontVector(20); var timeWidth = g.stringWidth(time); g.drawString(time,(g.getWidth()-timeWidth-12)/2,10); // seconds over to the right g.setFontBitmap(); g.drawString(secs,(g.getWidth()+timeWidth-8)/2,26); // send to LCD g.flip(); } function onInit() { clearInterval(); // Setup SPI //var spi = new SPI(); SPI2.setup({ sck:B13, mosi:B15}); // Initialise the LCD // connect(/*=SPI*/_spi, /*=PIN*/_dc, /*=PIN*/_ce, /*=PIN*/_rst, callback) g = require("PCD8544").connect(SPI2,B10,A8,B1, function() { // When it's initialised, set up an animation at 1fps (1s per frame) setInterval(draw, 1000); }); } onInit();
I have updated my Pico to 1V80
I am afraid MCP1703 will find it difficult to power both Espruino and ESP8266.
In the datasheet, 250mA is given as maximum current.