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Member since Sep 2015 • Last active Oct 2015
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    Here's a ref image I jotted down to for my own use, hopefully it's helpful to someone in the future.

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    Yup, I've tried espruino_1v76_pico_1r3_cc3000.bin, espruino_1v80_pico_1r3_cc3000.bin, and espruino_1v80_pico_1r3_wiznet.bin actually, all result in the same behavior. Also the constant glowing LEDS turn off if I press the button a second time, not sure if that's relevant.

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    Well I'm not planning on frying any others, but what I plan and what takes place ain’t ever exactly been similar. Probably gonna solder an SD card onto the next one so I don't accidentally clobber my bootloader again though.

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    Since I bricked my Pico and I can't get it working I'm looking to get a replacement but Adafruit is out and I don't see any other US distributors posted. I'm trying to get my friends into hardware hackery and since this is the second board I've bricked (shorted ground/VCC on the first) I'm thinking of ordering like 10 just to have some spares lying around. What's my best option for ordering ~10 Picos? What about 100?

    Also how do I make sure I get new ones with fuses on them?

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    I'm using the same cable I used for the DFU firmware upgrade, but I've also tried a different cable. Since last posting I also went back and put the chip into DFU mode again just to see if that works and it still does. I've restarted my computer a couple times as well. No luck connecting at all. :' (

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    I've done my best to get it to work but it doesn't seem like it's functioning correctly. I used DfuFileMgr.exe with the multi BIN option to write the *.bin I downloaded to a *.dfu file. (address 0x0800000) and then I wrote the DFU file using the DfuSe Demo. Plugging the board in causes the red led to flash briefly now which wasn't happening before, and once I'd removed the graphite bridging the pins on the back plugging in while holding down the button results in both the red and green leds going on continuously. Unfortunately the board doesn't seem to be detected in either case. : (

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    I bricked my pico by running f.erasePage(); just like that without any parameters, I can't figure out how to wire it up so I can talk to the serial port, what do I have to do?

    I've penciled over the jumper on the back, I need to hold the button to bring that one to 3.3 correct and BOOT1 ends up at ground automatically on the pico?

    http://www.espruino.com/Pico <--- it suggests that there's multiple pins connected to USART1? But the wiring diagram implies that I actually have to connect to TX to USB+ and RX to A10?

    Have no idea what's going on honestly, just want my pico back : (
