this is interesting, it was some time ago here on the forum:
I haven't tested it yet.
thanks @Indridi!
Personally I am very happy with my BANGLE 2, the most important thing for me is the sunlight readability and an "accessible" software (which can be fixed over time)
One thing I would like in future releases is some certainty that it is waterproof.Thanks for all the work you have done @Gordon, regarding the problems you had with the kickstarter campaign I still think you have been very honest about what this smartwatch is and what it is not.
@BillM can we test your running app?
The altitude influences many factors, even for trail running, unfortunately for ALL the smartwatches I have tried, even garmin or suunto, the altitude is never correct, at every possible reference it can be calibrated quickly BUT it always returns stoned to the next calibration.
However, having a reference when you proceed with the workout is still useful.
I was thinking about the GPS because I always see it among the information retrieved by the "recorder" and I think it is more reliable.
(but perhaps it drain more battery than the barometric altitude) -
Thanks @Fteacher but unfortunately I don't have the necessary js skills ... yet.
I just want the km, the language always interests me that it remains in English.
I'll try, thanks @Gordon
I personally use this app for both running and hiking.
I need to be able to put the distance in km (I have the device in English) and if possible I would be interested in being able to put the altitude instead of "pace".
in this way, depending on the sport, I can modify the display as I need.
The possibility of having the color change on the HR wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Perfect, thanks @Gordon!
Edited: I get this error: "Backup failed, Uncaught Error: Can't get pointer to data to write"
ok, i was missing this, thanks @myownself
Thanks for your answers.
Yes, my idea was to have a silly app on android that sends AGPS data to the smartwatch before starting the trail or run.
The problem now is that you need the data connection to load and start the app to send this information.Certainly if gadgetbridge did it would be perfect, you don't need connectivity other than bluetooth to our bangle.
I confirm, it works fluid and responsive.
Thanks for the link which I thought was a clone of https://banglejs.com/apps -
I use "Pattern Launcher", please tell me how to update, on https://banglejs.com/apps I can't find updates.
Thank you.
these are the errors from the ide, from the search of the app to the attempt to "save" the change on qalarm, if there is anything else I can do I am here.
Checking for alarms... BLE Connected, queueing BLE restart for later ____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v12.55 (c) 2021 G.Williams Uncaught Error: Function "startsWith" not found! at line 22 col 1215 in .boot0 ...oredPatterns={};return;}if(!mode.startsWith("clock")){storedPatter... ^ in function "setUI" called from line 3 col 212 ...<=b)&&b<d.c&&d.select(b))}});return e ^ in function called from line 16 col 250 in launch.app.js ...ding...");load(app.src);}}}); ^ Checking for alarms... BLE Connected, queueing BLE restart for later ____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v12.55 (c) 2021 G.Williams Uncaught Error: Function "startsWith" not found! at line 22 col 1215 in .boot0 ...oredPatterns={};return;}if(!mode.startsWith("clock")){storedPatter... ^ in function "setUI" called from line 3 col 212 ...<=b)&&b<d.c&&d.select(b))}});return e ^ in function called from line 7 col 273 ...,m[a])}};s=E.showScroller(n);return r ^ at line 7 col 273 ...,m[a])}};s=E.showScroller(n);return r ^ in function called from line 7 col 435 in qalarm.app.js ...].reload();return E.showMenu(menu); ^ at line 7 col 435 in qalarm.app.js ...].reload();return E.showMenu(menu); ^ in function "showMainMenu" called from line 11 col 14 in qalarm.app.js showMainMenu(); ^ Uncaught Error: Function "startsWith" not found! at line 22 col 1215 in .boot0 ...oredPatterns={};return;}if(!mode.startsWith("clock")){storedPatter... ^ in function "setUI" called from line 3 col 212 ...<=b)&&b<d.c&&d.select(b))}});return e ^ in function called from line 7 col 273 ...,m[a])}};s=E.showScroller(n);return r ^ at line 7 col 273 ...,m[a])}};s=E.showScroller(n);return r ^ in function called from line 8 col 1500 in qalarm.app.js ...nMenu();};}return E.showMenu(menu); ^ at line 8 col 1500 in qalarm.app.js ...nMenu();};}return E.showMenu(menu); ^ in function "showEditAlarmMenu" called from line 7 col 361 in qalarm.app.js ...idx);else showEditAlarmMenu(idx); ^ in function "b" called from line 1 col 79 ...if("function"==typeof b)b(r);else if("object"==typeof b)if("... ^ in function "select" called from line 1 col 52 c.y<a.y-4||(b=k(c.y),(0>f||0<=b)&&b<d.c&&d.select(b)) ^ in function called from system Uncaught ReferenceError: "s" is not defined at line 1 col 187 ...nchange(a.value);n.scroll=s.scroll;s=E.showScroller(n)} ^ in function "c" called from line 1 col 7 f();c() ^ in function called from system Uncaught ReferenceError: "s" is not defined at line 1 col 187 ...nchange(a.value);n.scroll=s.scroll;s=E.showScroller(n)} ^ in function "c" called from line 1 col 7 f();c() ^ in function called from system Uncaught ReferenceError: "s" is not defined at line 1 col 187 ...nchange(a.value);n.scroll=s.scroll;s=E.showScroller(n)} ^ in function "c" called from line 1 col 7 f();c() ^ in function called from system
thanks @Gordon for the answer, I'm using the latest 2v12.55, I'll try with the IDE!
Interesting, thanks!
I will try it in the next workout sessions!