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I am having an issue with GPS. I didn't use it much when the Bangle first arrived. I tested it and got a (slow) lock outside, but because I couldn't run for months after having covid that was about it. I recently started running again and I had a couple of weeks getting a really fast lock as long as I uploaded agps immediately before going, but the last few times I have uploaded the data but still no lock before giving up. This morning I fired gpsinfo up to see what was happening and it showed GP/BD/GL 10 2 0, but no lock. I only selected GPS onthe AGPS config and its the first time it I have noticed more than 1 for BD, but guess that is a red herring. Any thoughts?
If you have HRM set to always on thenÂues/2141 could be your issue.
I don't really enjoy using GitHub Discussions, I think this forum has a much friendlier (I guess classic?) interface, but if maintaining this forum is taking up lots of Gordon's time then moving to the least effort option makes sense. I'll get somewhat used to it.
It will also mean giving up the small degree of pseudoanonymity I currently have - my username on this forum is completely different to my GitHub/real world name, but anyone with a mind to could already piece it together from things I have said.
I think the most important thing would be making sure the wealth of information here moves to GitHub Discussions (or whatever other platform) - the current forum can sometimes be hard to search, but there is a lot there when you dig back.
@Gordon yes, please create a common interface for text input - I already have a WIP mobile phone style keyboard that I intend to get back to soon.
It may at some point be possible to abuse the existing LCD to provide 64 colors. For example this code:
This was actually one of the first things I tried when I got my hands on the physical device. Needless to say I didn't feel the need to try it again.
Microphone/speaker (but these + waterproofing doesn't seem sensible, and waterproofing is more of a priority)
I wouldn't need, maybe even want, a microphone, but a speaker would be nice (but not at the expense of waterproofing). In the mean time, I wonder whether the beep using the vibration motor could be improved? I find it inconsistent at the moment, as mentioned somewhere in another thread.
@Gordon what was the outcome of this? Three of the holes on my Bangle2 strap have now merged and I can't get a good fit anymore (when it was just 2 it was actually quite comfortable). Interested to know what you decided the best options were.