Member since Dec 2014 • Last active Jul 2016Most recent activity
For me, on windows, getting a custom firmware compiled can be done with these steps:
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant
- start cmd &&
cd /path/to/Espruino
vagrant plugin install vagrant-auto_network
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
- do some changes
- flash it using the best tool for the local machine, I use ST-Link Utility and I flash from Windows
Come to think of it, just follow this:
- Install VirtualBox
Just to chime in; I think the first version could make a lot of sense, but maybe alight headers on 100mil grid? I would add male pins to 0-14 and a header to the other one. I could still plug it in a breadboard and use wires to power/serial.
Did you do the math on those co-planar wave guides?
If I were to consider something like this I would need to have a pi-filter in place for antenna matching. With good calculations you can get away with some standard LINX antenna and a 0ohm, but sooner or later someone will want to test various antennas and then it is very handy to be able to match the impedance of that particular one [you know this] :) -
Lodash is 14000+ LOC.
Back when I helped fix Function.length it was actually because I wrote a few functional snippets for basic functional concepts. Sad thing is, it was on a disc that crashed... :/
If you have access to "JavaScript: The Good Parts" by Douglas Crockford then that is a good resource for a collection of small snippets that enable functional concepts such as map, currying etc.Good luck @user59024
Sounds very cool. Sounds like an even more adaptive Nios 2 softcore + compiler? Interesting stuff this is :)
Oh man. I'm also interested in what you wanted to use this for :)
I think the way to go would be to use the Espruino as a SPI interface to it's configuration memory. Have a look at the fpga-shield and the build log :)
There are things like SystemC and other CtoHDL projects that I've found utter crap after trying anything but the samples they provide. They're fun and all, but even for an amateur like me, you quickly get to a blocking point.
Did the project you worked on @Gordon compile C into opcodes for a soft core, or did you try to make a C to HDL thingy?I like how approaches things. I've not tried it yet.
In the end, FPGAs are configured; not programmed.
FWIW; every media player I've ever used (and the one I've made shows the play button when in pause state, and pause button when in play state. Windows, Linux and Mac shows (with the icon) what will happen when you press the maximize/minimize button, not what state you're in.
My 2 bits :)
Never seen anything like it, but it sure looks like a very handy part for many projects. I love the interrupt delegation and the small EEPROM.
It seems to me that it should be relatively straight forward to use the I2C module with writeTo(address, data, ...) and readFrom(address, quantity). For the interrupt you can use setWatch(function, pin, options).
EDIT: Gordon beat me to it :p I forgot to press Post after I was done typing... typical
Hi @Gordon!
After some pondering I want to ask you if maybe some of the buttons in the IDE should be switched so they show what will happen, rather than what's happened?
I think this is particularly true for the horizontal/vertical split. For the connect/disconnect, and the code/UI toggles per pane.
Not sure what you intended but for me (it's always been like this I think) I need to press the 'disconnect' icon to connect. After a successful connection it turns to the green 'connected' icon, which I then press to disconnect. This feels backwards to me.
What do you think?
I am a musician, a programmer and I love to cook. I also run my own business as a sound engineer. Core member of . INTJ