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also observed as documented above (just to reinforce that you are not crazy IdeaShaker). I am using Windows 7 with Espruino board v1.1, code v40and the chrome app as posted on the chrome app store
Also observe that random characters get dropped midline
eg. SPI2.send (0xf, B6)
SPI2.end(0xf,B6)and a subsequent syntax error.
Line by line copy and paste seems to be the only way in at present -
The below code (as published on yields:
whenever the touchscreen is drawn upon.
Have tried different setIntervals ranging from 10 to 100 touchFinc but with no change -any ideas?this is observed with Espruino 1v39
var onInit = function () { SPI1.setup({sck:A5,miso:A6,mosi:A7}) SPI1.send([0x90,0],A4); // just wake the controller up }; var touchFunc = function () { if (!digitalRead(B6)) { // touch down var d = SPI1.send([0x90,0,0xD0,0],A4); var pos = {x:(d[1]*256+d[2])*LCD.WIDTH/0x8000, y:(d[3]*256+d[4])*LCD.HEIGHT/0x8000}; touchCallback(pos.x, pos.y); lastPos = pos; } else lastPos = null; }; var touchCallback = function (x,y) { if (lastPos!=null) { LCD.drawLine(x,y,lastPos.x,lastPos.y,0xFFFF); } }; onInit();setInterval(touchFunc, 50);
Hi Gordon
just tried with putty on Windows 7 with espruino 1.1 v40: this method is certainly more robust than the web app - I can paste multi-line functions without issue. However, if I paste in a full file (into a console that has been first reset() and using code that has been verified to be ok), then something is still amiss as the ">" prompt never turns and stays at ":" as if expecting a closing bracket of some sort, which I don't believe to be the case. This can be verified using the MAX7219 code example I have sent you privately Gordon.