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Member since Apr 2023 • Last active Apr 2024
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    I've been thinking about this more and like the idea of setPassword - my plan would be something like:

    • In padlock.boot.js:
      • Read padlock.setting.json for the password
      • Call E.setPassword(password) (and E.lockConsole())
    • Only allow padlock.setting.json to be set from the apploader / IDE
      • (If the password is setable from the settings app, anyone with physical access can unlock the watch)

    Is there any existing standard setup for adding this into .bootrst ? I don't see any apps using it at the moment so I was going to generate it from all the <app>.bootrst.js files, if that sounds like a plan?

    How cautious should I be with this file btw? Could I potentially brick my watch if I accidentally raise an exception or break BLE connections here?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    I like the sound of asymmetric keys or using phone IDs/mac addresses to encrypt too. E.setPassword sounds very useful for dealing with more technical attacks - I suppose an existing bluetooth whitelist will cover anyone accessing the console unless an attacker guess the allowed mac addresses too.

    I'm thinking the existing scramble GPS app works as a lightweight/ease-of-use "lock", and I have a few ideas for a more lockdown-mode which would incorporate these ideas along with encryption based on some key.

    We could either encrypt just GPS and use recorder's existing async prompting to add a password-prompt afterwards, or go for more of a whole-device lock and request a password at either boot or unlock time.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    regular or automatic sync (with auto delete in case no sync happened for a while) of the data to GadgetBridge

    This is something I've been thinking about for a while - a bluetooth daemon running on a raspberry pi that regularly updates my watch's clock, fetches health/gps data off the watch and so on

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    Using the phone sounds like an idea, I've created an initial PR to do this without gadget bridge (as I don't have it currently) but would be interested in adjustments to encrypt using a key stored either on the phone, or using some property of the phone.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    I was thinking recently, if I lost my watch (or more specifically, it was stolen) while I had GPS data on it, then my home address, work etc is all present there.

    I'm interested in peoples' opinions on this - would a patch to runplus and/or a module for apps to encrypt and decrypt GPS data be useful?

    Tech / CPU use

    I feel like AES might be overkill, and we could instead perform some simple scrambling of the coordinates based on a code the user enters, perhaps offset them from the middle of the Pacific using the user's code as a seed for a PRNG.


    Unless we saved the key on the watch (which defeats the point), the user would have to enter a code each time they wanted to read/write GPS - this wouldn't be great for usability, but I'm a little out of ideas.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    I think that would fit more with the LCD clock's style, and if we're not dropping seconds at all, there's no information loss - leave it with me

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    Yeah I'd been thinking the second duration was a bit short. Thanks for checking it out! I like having the milliseconds and it makes the code more worth having if we keep it up to 1 minute, I'll go with that for now - will test out the 100m sprint next when I'm next at the track!

    Speaking of settings, I'd quite like to drop the settings entirely - what are your thoughts on the format?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    Thanks for checking it out! I've dropped the decimal point after 1 second, how does this change feel for you?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for bobrippling

    Thanks for the feedback - I've created a PR that should resolve the battery drain, and there's now an option for the hh:mm:ss format (although happy to hear more suggestions about tweaking this to fit inside various clocks)
