Avatar for user150445


Member since Oct 2022 • Last active Nov 2022
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    Bangle._PWR is undefined for me. Do I have to enable it somehow?
    And I tried leaving the watch disconnected from everything—didn't change anything.
    Also, I seem to have misremembered when exactly the battery problem started; I checked the battery log (relevant part is attached as a screenshot), and it seems that

    1. I was charging the watch the day the issues started
    2. After I disconnected the watch from the charger and until it froze, the battery was also rapidly discharging
    3. After I rebooted the watch the discharge rate was normal, and, even after the factory reset, it was normal for more than a day; only the night between 22.10 and 23.10 it started rapidly discharging—seemingly randomly.
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    Nope, the watch never had any contact with water or anything else at all. It just randomly froze in the middle of the day, after which I did a factory reset.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    Hi, yes, I tried leaving all the setting the same, I tried turning off both "Wake on Twist" and "Wake on Touch", and I also tried removing all the apps except for boot, launcher, and info without connecting to the watch with bluetooth - the result is the same - it's very strange indeed. One thing I have noticed is that, while the watch is at 15% currently, E.getAnalogVRef() shows about 3.305 V. I don't know how low it should get, but shouldn't it get lower than that at such a low charge percentage?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    Here are the apps installed:

    health, widlock, widbat, widbt, widid, welcome, sched, alarm, boot, launch, antonclk, about, setting, messages, android

    As I've said. after the last factory reset I've only installed "messages" and "android" apps. But I don't think that the problem is with the apps, as before that factory reset everything worked fine, and the battery would last for 2 weeks for me.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    I have tried that after fully charging the battery, but it didn't do anything, unfortunately.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    Recently, I made a post here regarding a problem with booting, which was solved by factory reset. But, following that, the battery started draining very fast (it would drain completely in less than a day). As, after factory reset, I installed apps I usually used, I thought that some of them might be the cause. However, even after a second factory reset, after which I only installed Gadgetbridge, the battery issue persisted. As you can see in the attached screenshot, the battery discharged down to 20% in just about 16 hours.
    @Gordon, do you know what can cause this? Thanks!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    Thanks a lot!
    I had some of my own stuff there, but removing it didn't solve the issue. Luckily, factory reset did the job.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user150445

    I was using the watch, and at some point it froze, so I decided to reboot it. But, not it says

    Updating boot0...

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Got EOF
     at line 6 col 1305 in bootup(
    ...atob("BQEJBaD@BA" 4Bdd @dA
    at line 1 col 184 in .boot0

    Bluetooth doesn't seem to be on, so I cannot connect to the watch.
    Can anything be done about it?
