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Member since Feb 2022 • Last active Jun 2022
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Micha

    Did you try just running a Compact Storage from the Utils section of the Settings app?

    I'll go and sit in a corner for not trying that first after you already suggested that in the Pull request.. It's now "insanely fast" again...
    Thank you so much. This solves my waiting problems!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Micha

    Edit: Sorry, it's the launcher that takes 2.3 seconds, not the reading of the file. Ignore this post! I'll try and optimize the launcher then.

    sooo I was thinking...
    If I want to go to settings or launch an app (which happens a lot) I always get a loading screen (twice!) and have to wait a while. (once for the launcher, once for the settings)

    I know, it is probably due to memory efficiency, but I don't think the launcher is big enough to justify an extra app (at least at bangle2)
    I didn't have a look at Bangle.showLauncher yet, but if we reset() and put the launcher functions right there without loading an extra file, this would speed up everything massively. (at least in my imagination)

    I know this is wrong, so I think I would just do a little hack for the non-public version of my watch:
    I'll compress the launcher.app.js a bit further (variable names etc) to get it to ~1KB and put it in a function that stops my timeouts and executes the launcher.... and also overwrites backbutton functionality to start my timeouts again.
    This would cut all my waiting time in half. :)

    Gordon said something that I didn't understand though:
    In my case it's 0.25s for widgets alone. I just tried and having the internal flash enabled drops that to 0.06s
    How could I "enable internal flash"? I'm not sure what that means. :D

    Any thoughts / opinions / help are welcome

    PS: I also tested the eval(require('Storage').read("launch.app.js")) suggestion, but the loading time is still ~2.3 seconds.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Micha

    thingiverse shows a 404 :)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Micha

    Found another difference: There is a totally "strange" ID in the Pebble-log:

    INFO n.f.g.e.NotificationListener - Processing notification 1647026941 age: 1311 from source com.whatsapp with flags: 8
    INFO n.f.g.s.AbstractDeviceSupport - Got notification reply for notification id 26352431058 : Call you later
    INFO n.f.g.e.NotificationListener - Notification 1647026941 removed, will ask device to delete it

    INFO n.f.g.e.NotificationListener - Processing notification 1647026945 age: 1351 from source com.whatsapp with flags: 8
    INFO n.f.g.s.AbstractDeviceSupport - Got notification reply for notification id 1647026945 : OK

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Micha

    Just experienced the frozen watch again:

    • After switching from webIDE(pc) to GB(phone), the clock stopped updating. (no reaction to tap, twist, button,...)
    • No "find my watch", no messages could trigger anything, but still GB showed a connected watch. Even after some minutes.
    • After disconnecting in GB -> still nothing.
    • After reconnecting in GB -> everything back to normal.
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Micha

    I know, there is no indication that this is the problem, but I executed an infinite loop function via webIDE-console yesterday and got essentially my "watch-not-updating-or-responding-to-short-presses"-problem. After disconnecting and reconnecting bluetooth, the watch was back to normal.

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    using it for the emulator "when not at home" ;)

  • in Bangle.js
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    Can't login with my other account (error), so replying with google login...

    I modified my personal version of the message app to directly jump to the scroller and unlock the screen. For now, I added some lines for my fat fingers :)

        lines.push("mark read");

    In the long run, I would jump to the scroller, then swipe left/right would open a menu (back/read/dismiss/cannedRepliesSubmenu), while button brings back to the clock.
    I don't really need the preview. I will try and open a PR for the android/boot.js part, because I think that's very agreeable and I can't mess it up too much. :)

  • in General
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    I have this with firefox on windows. I hit F12 to see the console and got Uncaught ReferenceError: chrome is not defined
    So i guess it's only for chrome :)

    Do you get any errors in your devtools console when you hit the icon (I would guess it is F12 too)?
