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That's exactly what I want, to fix that bug. If that's the method that should work then that's what I'll try to trace down.
Just trying to fix the functionality in an existing app called Swiper Clock Launch - this adds code via a .boot.js file however it doesn't work.
The idea is this would add the feature to any existing clock to swipe to launcher (this works) and for any launcher to swipe back to clock (fails due to being unable to see which file is loaded - which is required to see if the current file is infact a launcher) -
This app should allow you to swipe to leave the launcher and switch to the clock however it doesn't seem to work. At the moment it tries to access global.FILE which seems, for me at least, to always be undefined.
I considered replacing E.showLauncher() however that ultimately leads to load() being run so I couldn't find a nice way of doing it there. I think the way forward is implement it how it currently is intended to work but find the correct way of finding out what is currently displaying.
Is there a way of finding what file was last run on load()?
Thanks -
Good point. Will test and pull request changes. I mainly thought of people scaling down to fit more on the screen. I'll see how far I can push it without breaking anything.
At the moment it scales the logo and space around the text in line with the font. I wonder if this could be done better.Edit: just tested anything over 24/25 and everything is getting pushed off the screen to right due to the scaled up image. Perhaps a cap on how big the image can get or even a toggle to display them or not?
Another idea would be to marquee text which spans further than the display width (further edit: this would look terrible a menu full of sideways scrolling text. This is why you shouldn't work on things at 4am)
Hey there!
Which version of the app loader are you using? Looks like the settings were only added in the last couple of weeks so the main app loader is a version or so behind.
Try the development one it'll install what you'll see in GitHub