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I've created Android app that serves Location and Navigation service, Device info, and Time service (standard GATT profiles). LNS has 3 characteristics.
Currently in Bangle JS2 client app I can subscribe to one service, one characteristic.function connection_setup() { NRF.requestDevice({filters:[{namePrefix:"Pixel 4a"}]}).then(function(d) { device = d; console.log("Found device: "; E.showMessage("Found device"; return device.gatt.connect(); }).then(function(ga) { gatt = ga; E.showMessage("Connected"); console.log("Connected"); lastReceivedTime = new Date(); return gatt.getPrimaryService("1819"); //How to get another services here? }).then(function(s) { service = s; return service.getCharacteristic("2a67"); //How to get other characteristics here? }).then(function(c) { characteristic = c; characteristic.on('characteristicvaluechanged', (event)=>updateSpeed(event)); return characteristic.startNotifications(); }).then(function() { console.log("Notifications subsribed"); E.showMessage("Notifications subsribed"); }).catch(function(e) { E.showMessage(e.toString(), "ERROR"); console.log(e); }); }
How to subscribe for LNS multiple characteristics, and to Time service, and also query Device info? Each .then() has only one return, I am not getting how to fork or chain it.
Hmm... well, yes, why not.... I'll try.