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@Gordon, When I download the configuration file (1st file), "flash mode" without problem but this error is displayed:
- WARNING: scan stop failed
- WARNING: set rssi scan not implemented yet
Then after the reset, the config is present. But when I try to upload in RAM the second file, the sending stops before the end and impossible to save it!
- Prompt not detected -upload failed - Trying to recover ...
- WARNING: scan stop failed
just put my infos please if you share the font :
BullzLabz - FM'll create a repo for all fonts that I've created for SSD1306/SSH1306 and Espruino because I've created two others segment fonts
I tried a different ways for display my image, with a custom font, and the result is the same !! Don't work ! Grrr
function LogoDisplay(){ if (!display) { NumControl(); return; } var x1x2 = 1; g.clear(); var font = atob("AAAAfgH+/gH//nn//nn/8HgP8HgP////////////f//+AAAAAAAAf//+////////////8HgP8HgP/n///n///n//fj/+AAAAAAAAf//+////////////8AAP8AAP////////////f//+AAAAAAAA////////////////AAAPAAAPAAAPAAAAAAAAAeH+A+P/B+f/B+f/B48PB48OB///B///A///Af//AAAAAAAA////////////////A4AOB4APB///B///B///A//+AAAAAAAAB4APB4B/B4H/B4f/B7//B//PB/8PB/wPB+APAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"); g.setFontCustom(font, 49, 12, 24); g.drawRect(22, 4, 107, 43); g.drawString("123", 25, 8); g.drawString("4567", 61, 16); g.drawLine(26, 34, 59, 34); g.drawLine(26, 35, 59, 35); g.drawLine(26, 36, 59, 36); g.drawLine(26, 37, 59, 37); g.drawLine(26, 38, 59, 38); g.drawLine(26, 39, 59, 39); g.flip(); var preloader = setInterval(function () { g.setContrast(x1x2); g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.drawLine(x1x2, 48, x1x2, 58); x1x2 += 2; g.flip(); if (x1x2 > 126) { clearInterval(preloader); NumControl(); StartDisplay(); wifiConnect(); } }, 10); }
Maker addict