Member since Apr 2021 • Last active Apr 2021Most recent activity
Hi there this maybe a stupid question, but I haven't been able to find the answer anywhere online.
I'm trying to display the Mandelbrot set on the screen of the bangle.js watch. So I need to be able to set the color value of each pixel individually.
Here's what I tried so far:
Make a nested for loop to go through every row and use the g.setPixel method to display the pixels.
I read about the Bangle.setLCDMode('doublebuffered') and used g.flip() after.
But when I try to run it everything just crashes, even when I just set every pixel to 0.
Then I tried to fill a buffer as shown in the Graphics.buffer doc example, but that kinda didn't work either.
So every help and starting point would be greatly appreciated.
Hi @Robin,
thanks for the support the last one was exactly what I was looking for!
Have a good one :)