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Thanks @allObjects
:-) it was up and running when the issue occurred and had been for days. The connects had been in place for a number of days. -
:-) yes a unique ff:ff:.. Mac address @parasquid....
It's going within the cabin of the vehicle so no issue with waterproofing and a screen is why I purchased it.
The screen shows normal vehicle battery voltage and also the voltage of the leisure battery so that's really useful when I'm using the fridge, lights etc especially when 'off grid' for a few days. I may find that I prefer my web page display of the data anyway.It's all a bit of plotting and playing at the moment as I'm also looking to switch some internal lights.
I've just purchased a Puck and also a Mirco:bit.Thanks
Steve -
Wow thanks @Gordon.
Erasing unerasable data.... Interesting.
I'm pretty convinced it wasn't out of range voltage as the device had been running for days, unless a reflash somehow directed voltage in an unusual direction
I'll make sure I flash the device when the Pixl.js is not connected to any sensors.
Thanks for the support and I'm semi glad it stumped you because it fuddled my brain.
Hi @Gordon, sorry, bear with me I'm trying to get my head around a number of things.
I hadn't appreciated that the earlier post was a new version.That's done the trick. Flashing now succeeds.
Steve -
Thanks @Gordon interesting reading.
I've tried the 'save to flash' method but get
>Uncaught Error: Module Storage not found at line 1 col 18 require("Storage").write(".bootcde","var on = true;\nfunctio...
Bizarrely enough the same code that was failing this morning to save() once sent to RAM isn't now erroring.
Hi, If I send code to the device's RAM (2v07.14) then enter save(); I get an error message stating that my code is too big to save to flash.
The error message doesn't appear when using 2v06.The code is simple and is....
var on = true; function setP() { if (on) { digitalWrite(D4,1); on = false; show("1 1\n"+ " 1 \n"+ " 1 \n"+ "1 1\n"+ " 111 \n"); } else { digitalWrite(D4,0); on = true; show(0); } } setWatch(function() { setP(); }, BTN1, {repeat:true, debounce:20, edge:"falling"});
Details of 2v07.14
2v07.14 (c) 2019 G.Williams Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported only by sales of official boards and donations: > >save(); =undefined Compacting Flash... Calculating Size... ERROR: Too big to save to flash (2358 vs 2048 bytes) Deleting command history and trying again... Code is too big to save to Flash.
I've worked out that the code isn't minified on the device.
Is the ~2k flash for both firmware and code?
Steve -
Thanks.... Interesting read. I want to record some data so the DCDC ... LCD screen isn't quite right for me.
If anyone knows of something better than an ina226 then that would be brilliant to hear about.