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Member since Jun 2020 • Last active Jun 2020
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for jess

    Turned it off and back on. Seems to be fine now. LOL

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for jess

    Thanks! I'm thinking unpairing isn't the issue. The watch doesn't show up in the list.

    At first, I was able to pair so I could put apps on the watch. Later I tried to use the IDE with the watch but when I tried to connect, my watch does not show up. We have two watches, and only the other one shows up, so I am assuming the computer is working correctly and it's a watch problem.

    I also can't add apps anymore. Same thing, the connection dialog just shows the other watch, not mine.

    I did not connect the watch to any other devices.

    I know how to write and debug javascript but I've never worked with devices before. Any hints would be great!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for jess

    Hi! I am brand new to programming devices. I paired the watch to my MacBookPro so I could put apps on it. Now I am trying to get it to connect to the IDE.

    The instructions say "If you paired Bangle.js in the Bluetooth settings of any of your devices, make sure to unpair it."

    But how? It's not in the list of paired devices.
