Avatar for RicardoN


Member since May 2020 • Last active May 2020
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for RicardoN

    Was able to resolve this. I had forked the app loader a few weeks ago. Ran it, and was able to upload default apps to my watch.
    So issue appears to be with banglejs.com app loader (I think).

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for RicardoN

    Used App Loader to delete all apps.
    Tried "Install Default Apps", and receive the error:
    App Install failed, undefined

    Then tried installing individual apps, like bootloader and receive the error:
    Upload failed, TypeError: Espruino.transform is not a function

    On restart, all I get is the bangle logo, firmware (2v05), mac address and copyright.

    Can anyone assist?
