Member since Dec 2019 • Last active Aug 2022Most recent activity
Aww, thanks Gordon... Loved the Bangle JS2 for its battery life mostly. But I think I can hang back with my BangleJS 1s for now.
I thought back and have some more to add to the 'incident' above. I was in India at the time and was in a house with a Covid patient, so lots of hand washing was involved. There may have been a period where I had the watch on and was washing hands everytime I came out of my room. The shower may have been the culmination...
Either way, no hard feeling towards Bangle JS2. Lovely little device when treated with a bit of care. (I do like the brightness and sharpness of Bangle JS1 better though ;-) ).
Ah, looks like I am not alone with 'easy water damage' issue. I didn't even swim or take it into a bath. I usually took it off while showering. One day I forgot to take it off before I started the shower. So it got a big splash of water on it. Took it off immediately. But it was too late. The watch showed water ingress after a few hours (refer to images attached). But it kept working for two weeks. The ingress pattern changed (to an interesting one ;-)...) but once the battery died, it never came back on. I deliberately didn't attach it to the charger for almost a month. But when I did, it did not respond at all.
Going to leave it the Sun on the window sill for some more.I've gone back to my chonky BangleJS 1. And after a firmware update, I am amazed at the quality of apps now. Absolutely loving the functionality in the "Recorder" app, supplemented by the "Run" app. Also the AGPS addition is wonderful! I have two of these, so should keep me happy for a while.
P.S. No one supports water damaged electronics, not even Apple/Samsung inspite of their fancy IP claims. So, no I am not expecting any discount, or support on a £40/- watch.
This is just an FYI for people to be extra careful with their BangleJS 2.
Many apologies for being thick as molasses!
When I went to chrome://flags I kept looking for Web Serial... I thought flags were all about "experimental features"
Sigh! You are right... Web Bluetooth and Serial comes up on Raspberry Pi and OSX once "Experimental Web Platform Features" are enabled. #doublefacepalm
W00t! Finally... yes, I installed the Chrome Web App on Chromium that comes with Raspberry Pi OS and it worked. LED1 is blinking! yay!
P.S. Any chance of supporting Platform IO in the distant future? I am only just getting familiar with Platform IO, but in terms of how I flashed a Wemos earlier today, if we had "Espruino" available as a framework (Wemos for examples has three options Arduino, ESPRTOS, ESP-No-OS) to PlatformIO, we could write JS files and flash/transfer them over Serial ?
I will dig deeper into how these things interact with Platform IO when I get a chance and maybe comeback with more constructive inputs.P.P.S Still baffling that Chromium the browser still fails to connect to Webserial, even though the WebStore App can... oh well...
Cheers. -
Thanks @Gordon... Looks like Web Serial is no longer experimental in Chromium. It doesn't come up in flags. It does come up as enabled setting in Privacy.
I think the only thing left for me to do is let the wolf into the henhouse - Install Chrome... Might take me a while to do that :-)
That said this is only from OSX... I will try out my other machines and see if I can coax any of the Chromium versions to use Web Serial.
Ooh... didn't know about chrome://device-log looks like Chrome is seeing the device... meh! Okay I am out of ideas now...
P.S. On the linux machine I did add the rules as required from here https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/master/misc/45-espruino.rules
(and then rebooted for good measure).
I can't seem to connect my Espruino WiFi over USB via WebIDE. This is the first time I am trying since I got it in December.
I have tried all platforms I have at hand. The board is fine, I see it pulsing red and green. I see it when I list tty devices. COmes up as /dev/ttyACM0 on linux and /dev/tty.usbmodem00000000001A on OSX.
But on both (Desktop Linux/Raspbian or OSX) if I try Chromium, the web IDE just bails out with chrome.serial not found in the debugger window. I have been able to use Chromium to connect to WebBLE (atleast on OSX) so far and WebBLE still comes up on OSX. Chromium settings show no USB devices found.
I tried minicom on Linux but I have no idea how to proceed beyond the instructions here http://www.espruino.com/Alternative+Terminal+Apps I'll go figure it out.
But unless I can connect WebIDE. It seems like a massive hassle.
Anyone else having trouble with WebIDE and Espruino WiFi ?
IoT bungler ;-)