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Member since Apr 2014 • Last active Dec 2014
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    I starred it already.
    Let's cross our fingers...

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    I just installed Chromium (version 31) and the Web IDE is working fine now!

    As you suggested, it now lists all /dev/ttyS* devices, so I've just chosen /dev/ttySpruino and it connected fine and worked like a charm.

    For the record, I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit and I installed Chromium from the default repositories.
    Now I can program my espruino remotely, it's just great!

    Thanks Gordon!


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    I installed the HC-05 bluetooth module to my espruino, and I'm confident it works fine as I can connect to it from picocom in Ubuntu.
    I used this guide (https://gist.github.com/xseignard/9367829) to configure the connection to espruino and I can send commands and receive results from the terminal.
    However the web ide can not detect the serial port for the bluetooth connection (/dev/rfcomm0)

    I tried to symlink it as suggested to be done for OS X, but it didn't work. I symlinked to /dev/ttySpruino, /dev/ttyACM0, /dev/tty.usbmodem12345, and none of these did work.
    Is there a way I could force the web ide to use a specific device, as I know for certain that it would work using /dev/rfcomm0?

    Perhaps it would be useful to have an option in the connection window of the web ide to allow the user to enter a device path manually instead of relying only on those detected by Chrome!


