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@MaBe thanks for the support.
But, i want to know if the sensor has more resolution. With toFixed(2) appears .00 and i need por precision to study my data. The question is: DHT11 has this resolution? There are some code that i have to add? Thanks
I'm using a temperature / humidity sensor (DHT11) like this:
var dht = require ("DHT11"). connect (C11); (function (a) {console.log ("Temp is" + a.temp.toString () + "and RH is" + a.rh.toString ());});However, I wanted a resolution of at least two decimal places. But I only get the whole number ... How should I proceed?
Thanks to the support, this humidity sensor was developed in my teacher's lab, it is a capacitive circuit board with a conditioning circuit that contains an IC 555. It has a 5V power cable, a ground and an out, whose the values are given in frequency.
I got satisfactory results with the oscilloscope but the desire to get this data with the espruino. -
Thank you! I'll provide a DHT22