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Hi Espruinos,
Since I have updated my Espruinos to 1v67 my NRF does not "answer" anymore.
To verify I have checked the examples from :This works, the green LED can be set via NRF:
nrf.sendCommand("LED2.set()", function(r) { print("=="+r); }); =undefined
But 1+2 will return "=undefined" instead of 3:
nrf.sendCommand("1+2", function(r) { print("=="+r); }); =undefined
Different to the eaxmple my setup looks like this:
SPI3.setup({sck:B3, miso:B4, mosi:B5}); var nrf = require("NRF24L01P").connect( SPI3, A0, A1 ); function onInit() { calibrate(); } setInterval(function() { nrf.masterHandler(); }, 50);
Does anyone has faced this issue too?
Thanks & Regards, Andreas
Hi Espruinos!
In my application I would like to use four buttons C2, C3, C4 and C5.
The question is, what is the best way to set up these buttons? I tried
function onInit() { //Set the buttons to 0 C2.write(0); C3.write(0); C4.write(0); C5.write(0); } setWatch(function() { l = l + 1; }, C5, { repeat: true, edge: "falling", debounce:100}); setWatch(function() { m = m + 1; }, C4, { repeat: true, edge: "falling", debounce:100}); setWatch(function() { n = n + 1; }, C3, { repeat: true, edge: "falling", debounce:100}); setWatch(function() { o = o + 1; }, C2, { repeat: true, edge: "falling", debounce:100});
Each of the buttons is connected to V_bat on the one side and to C2,3,4 or 5 on the other side. But when I press a button (let's say the one connected with C2), the variable "o" does not increase when I press it the first time, when I press it again it jumps from 0 to 2, then it works and jumps from 2 to 3 and so on but with no reproducibly.
I just want to increase by 1 when a button is pressed.Thanks a lot, Andreas
Hi Gordon,
I'm using the espruino in combination with a current clamp and log the data to the SD Card. Espruino is my first hardware but it's really fun to work with it, absolutely fantastic! I run out of memory a few times when I do a lot of samples (around 5000 measurements) but as you mentioned this can be fixed when the memory is used more efficiently. I'm looking forward to get more espruino, thanks a lot for the development!
Hi Espruinos,
The title says it all, is it possible to call a function on NRF24 TX not received event?
Thanks & Regards, Andreas