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i tried with an hardware spi, but I don't save much time. 1 tenth of a second
SPI2.setup({mosi:B15 /* sda */, sck:B13 /* scl */, baud:integer=1000000,}); g =require("ST7735").connect({ palette:colorPalette, spi:SPI2, dc:A7, cs:B10, rst:B1, padx:2, pady:3 // height : 160 // optional, default=128 }, ecrit );
Hello, i'm back from a long circuitpython session...
I'm playing with a small 128x128 SPI TFT display with a short generative prog
const s = require("Storage"); const largeur = 32; function ecrit() { console.log("écrit"); g.clear(); var start = getTime(); for (let y = 0; y<128; y+=largeur) { for (let x = 0; x<128; x+=largeur) { if (Math.random()>0.5) { g.setColor(1); g.fillRect(x,y,x+largeur,y+largeur); } } } print("dessine:",getTime()-start); g.flip(); //<--- Send to the display print("affiche:",getTime()-start); } var g; function onInit() { var colorPalette = new Uint16Array([0xFFF, 0]); // init spi var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({mosi:B15 /* sda */, sck:B13 /* scl */}); g =require("ST7735").connect({ palette:colorPalette, spi:spi, dc:A7, cs:B10, rst:B1, padx:2, pady:3 // height : 160 // optional, default=128 }, setInterval(ecrit, 500) ); console.log("## mém. used: " + Math.round(process.memory().usage / process.memory().total * 100) + "% ##"); s.getFree(); }
But the display take 0.65sec to screen the picture drawn in .02s
Is there a way to send faster to the display?
and avoid image scanning?regards
hello @AdaMan82
sometime pico have strange behavior too and crash with clean code.
reflashing take few seconds than trying to identify uncommon behavior in code is timeconsuming.
i downloaded last firmware to avoid low connexion :)
regards -
Thanks @Gordon .
i bought at lextronic french reseller (with more stock) sorry for that, i prefer buying on your shop)
i bought an MDBT42Q breakout to try and some pico cause i love form factor.
next week it's holliday and have some time to play withbest regards
é. -
ok nobody want helps?
is the Module MDBT42Q Breakout is enough to start?
convert it as a bluetooth HID like a keyboard?
i read some post about that.
if the device (the breakout) is detected as an hid bluetooth by the os, the html page doesn't have to detect an hid!? it's a keypress detected, no more.é.
i'm new with bluetooth.
i would like to connect a rotary encoder to an ipad or an android phone and use the rotation in a web app.i'm able to connect the rotary and a pico board to an html page trough the HID feature on my computer.
but now i would like to communicate to a smart thing (small screen,,,) device via BT.Which board do i need to do that, is BT, the good solution ?
Please advice me.regards
ps: @Gordon there is only one unpinned pico board in stock in the shop! really?
I'm newb with espruino, not with arduino, not with js...
But i'm not a coding ninja