• #2
Please can you try and get me a small bit of example code that exhibits the problem and I'll look into it?
I'm afraid there's not really enough info here for me to be able to figure out what the issue is - especially if it's on a dev version of an app that only you have the code for at the moment.
• #3
I'll see what I can do to create a minimal example. I know I've also been having trouble with the g.scroll() function on the Bangle1 emulator only scrolling part of the requested area.
• #4
So I've been working on this all night tonight, and completely failed to reproduce the problem. That probably means it was a subtle bug in my code that I've now unknowingly fixed. This is testing with both the release 2v12 and the latest cutting edge 2v12.103.
I've been doing development work on my app and spent several hours today trying to work out why it wasn't drawing to the display when asked to.
It's the "2FA" app and it can display multiple tokens in a scroll-y list. I found that sometimes one token on the list simply wouldn't draw, even though other tokens would - and they're all using the same draw function.
After many hours I gave up trying to work out what I was doing wrong and downgraded the firmware from the 2v12.101 cutting edge I'd been using back to the 2v12 release. Everything started working!
There is something up with the 101 firmware. As I've been working on my new drawing code for a few days now, it's possible this was present earlier than 101, but I just attributed bugs to my code-in-progress rather than the firmware.