• #2
Nice - thanks!
• #3
Cool, have you thought about 2/4 or 3/4 or 4/4 times and flashing a different led on 1 ?
• #4
No, I haven't. The reason is simple to understand: I absolutely know nothing about musicology ;-)
I just made a quick, basic, easy to use metronome, for my girlfriend who's learning to play piano.
Pulsing a LED at regular interval is easy to do, but what do you mean by 2/4, 3/4 or 4/4 times? To easily switch from a X bpm to a X*2/4 or X*3/4 by pressing the button? -
• #5
take quick look into this
• #6
OK I get it... Well this is far to much elaborated for such a basic app like mine. However it may be something useful for the metronome app . Moreover, Bangle.js and its display would be more adapted to indicate the time signature, compared to the few LEDs on the Thingy:52 :-)
• #7
Yes, definitely :)
I did some tests a couple month ago...
1 Attachment
• #8
My internal name for this is
Feel the Beat
because it vibs :)
Hi guys,
I just wrote a very basic code aiming at providing the metronome function on the Thingy:52.
I'm posting it here in case anyone's interested...
It was inspired by this much more elaborated Bangle.js app.
However, usage is pretty easy:
1) a short press on the button increases/decreases the bpm
2) a long press on the button changes direction of the setting
The blue led flashes on a long press
The red led flashes when bpm is reduced
The green led flashes when bpm is increased