• #2
I have the same problems with Amika (NodeMCU v2 CP2102).
I can not find a solution for a long time
But I was surprised when I saw what was displayed Putty and ESPlorer
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• #3
Just a guess: maybe try to press the flash button while running the esptool?
I have some ESP32 boards with CP2102, and those flashed just fine... -
• #4
I also have an amica board with cp2102. And same problem. But I found a solution.
When connecting, you need to hold down the flash button. (press before connection and release after)
After that, the connection is normal and the board works as usual.
The boards also work in the arduino port monitor without pressing a button.
Has anyone successfully flashed NodeMCU with ESP8266 and CP2102 USB to UART bridge, with Espruino v1.99 and connected to using Espruino IDE?
I have Amica NodeMCU board.
I use esptool.py.
I installed UART driver (https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers#windows).
Chrome and native Espruino IDE sees USB to UART bridge on COM5.
I can successfully flash the board, but after flashing IDE returns:
"Unable to retrieve board information. Connection Error?"
I used DIO, QIO, DOUT, QOUT, 80m, 40m, 115200, 9600, espruino 8266 v1.99 and espruino 8266 4MB v1.99 (both stable and cutting edge) in all combinations I could think of, and nothing works.
However board with CH340 on the same cable flashes and works.
This is my first board with CP2102 USB to UART bridge. Any board with CH340 chip i have work with eventually flashed and connected to Espruino IDE, whether it was DIO , QIO, DOUT...
If anyone has successfully flashed CP2102 with any previous version of Espruino, I would really appreciate the info what version of Espruino and what options, whether it was some flash loader or esptool so I could repeat steps and see if this is Espruino software, driver or the board itself.
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