• #2
Wow, that's new - I didn't know there was a 1.3 version!
Did you run the 'version checker'? http://www.espruino.com/ESP8266
I'd be interested to know what it reports (since it also checks baud rate). It might be that the new firmware uses a different baud rate and that's your problem?
• #4
Thanks for letting me know! Perhaps version 1.3 was doing something strange
• #5
seems like latest esp-01 no longer comes with AT 0.25 / 0.50.
If any stuck then please use the attached firmware and re-flash your esp-01.
use the following commands
Change the port if you have different. Oh, also it is for 1MB flash.
esptool.py -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART -b 115200 write_flash 0x00000 eagle.flash.bin 0x10000 eagle.irom0text.bin 0x7E000 blank.bin 0xFE000 blank.bin 0xFC000 esp_init_data_default.bin
1 Attachment
• #6
Thanks! Is that the 0.50 firmware? I'll stick it on the main Espruino site.
It'd be interesting to see why the new firmware doesn't work though - it could just be a different baud rate I guess.
I have a ESP-01 8Mbit version which comes with AT version
I tried integrating with Espruino Pico board using shim v2.0. but I am getting "Uncaught No 'ready' after AT+RST" . Is there any way I can fix this?