• #2
will always write 8 bits for numbers - but if you supply a string or array it'll write each element separately as 8 bits.To do it 'nicely', I'd use Typed Arrays. The code would look a bit like:
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(16); // 8 bytes var i32 = new Int32Array(buffer); var i16 = new Int16Array(buffer); var i8 = new Int8Array(buffer); i8[4] = 255; // buffer = [0,0,0,0,255,0,0,0]; i16[2] = 0x0102; // buffer = [0,0,0,0,2,1,0,0]; i32[1] = 0x01020304; // buffer = [0,0,0,0,4,3,2,1]; // Finally: Serial1.write(buffer);
You don't have to be 'aligned' either. You can do:
var x32 = new Int32Array(buffer,2 /* 2 bytes offset*/); x32[0] = 0x01020304; // buffer = [0,0,4,3,2,1,0,0];
Hope that helps!
• #3
Thanks, I'll try it out and report :)
• #4
One more thing,
when reading data using the .on('data', function(data) {...}), do I need to create a buffer out of the string? Is the data always string? The docs seem to say so
• #5
I can confirm that the sending works fine and I get responses back :) Thanks again
• #6
Great, glad it's going!
when reading data using the .on('data', function(data) {...}), do I need to create a buffer out of the string? Is the data always string? The docs seem to say so
Yes, the data is always a string. You can use it as-is using
, but if you want to access the binary data as an array, a nice easy way is to use E.toArrayBuffer(string)
How do you send binary messages that need to be specific in size?
For example I need to send 0x1 as 16 bits or other such combinations. I suspect sending it as a number would always send over 32bit integers?
Is there an elegant way to construct messages that consist of bytes/words/ints that you'd individually add together or do I have to build a string out of the values?