• #2
Hi Sven,
At the moment it's all a bit difficult. The CC3000 driver is horrible and will just randomly stop working if there's any issue with SPI comms. I'm hoping as time goes on we'll find a way to make it more reliable, but what's happening right now is IMO what you want:
- You make a request
- CC3000 driver (or CC3000) just hangs - however this could just be because of a slow DNS server
- Espruino detects the hang, backs out, reboots the CC3000 and reconnects it.
So what you could do is set a timeout before you execute the HTTP request - then if the HTTP request hasn't succeeded by the time the timeout is called, you can just issue it again.
Hope that helps,
- You make a request
Hi all,
I am currently exploring the "best" prototyping platform for a little project, I've used the Spark Core already for example and know that the CC3000 seems to have real issues in "chatty" WiFi environments. Nevertheless, I am wondering if there is somethign I could do from an Espruino point of view.
The error I am getting is this:
My code is doing a HTTP post request, then once data has been received, it will schedule the same request again after 5 seconds. Ideally I would like to get a constant server-client connection, WebSockets or so, but I think if simple HTTP requests are a stability issue, I won't go in this area.
Is there a way to