Hmm - looks interesting, but very similar to - to the point of using the exact same chip. It's a little more expensive, but I guess it does have a chip antenna (although Carambola 1 has one too).
There's already a build for Carambola (OpenWRT) which supports all the IO - it's just not bundled up into a package yet. It got sidelined a bit as nobody seemed even remotely bothered.
It'd be awesome if someone could look at a Raspberry Pi package for it too ;)
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Hmm - looks interesting, but very similar to - to the point of using the exact same chip. It's a little more expensive, but I guess it does have a chip antenna (although Carambola 1 has one too).
There's already a build for Carambola (OpenWRT) which supports all the IO - it's just not bundled up into a package yet. It got sidelined a bit as nobody seemed even remotely bothered.
It'd be awesome if someone could look at a Raspberry Pi package for it too ;)