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  • What happens when you run it interactively? Are you able to get any data out of the GPS? Are you able to control the LCD manually?

    I figure the callback must be running, otherwise it would leave the "LCD OK" on the screen.... My suspicion is that it's not getting data - possibly it's getting no data, but that's being translated into an empty string?

    The GPS module states that it's for interfacing with GPS devices that support the NMEA standard/protocol/whateveryoucallit - Per the NMEA description(­htm#hardware ), that means 4800 baud, maybe higher on some units. 57600 is 12 times faster than this. Is there a reason that you picked that?

    Also, are you running this by sending from the IDE, or are you save()ing? If you want that to work after using save(), you need to put the connect() call for the GPS into onInit() as well.


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