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  • For atob and btoa thanks a lot!
    Mainly it is an idea. I were looking into networking solutions, atm there is http, but of course overhead due to http, as well as the fact that for each request it open/close of a socket - is waste of performance.
    So looking into more low-level communications. WebSockets - is a great alternative, but there is no support for them so far.
    http over ethernet? Maybe.

    We will have many of panels, each 16x16 (256) leds.
    Each will have own board, and most likely ethernet connection, wifi would be great, if we will have WS that might work! Need to figure out how to get rid of problems I have when connect LEDs at same time as WiFi, looks like some capacitors are required (just a guess, as I am newbie in electronics).

    Then software on laptop will do rendering and send data. WS - would be the best of course. Idea is to make modular node-webkit app, so people will be able to write own WebGL renderers and UI plugins to control panels.

    We already have some soldered and tested, some tests on boards, and already printed parts to match them properly.
    Here is WIP prototype model of a panel. We targeting to around 18 (6x3) of them with 30mm distance between each LED. That is amazing 4608 of individually addressable LEDs! :)


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