On the touch at the bottom of the screen, I'm pretty sure that's just the MEMLCD_DISP pin I'm afraid - probably the CPU locked up and the pin when open circuit, so then interference from your finger could toggle it on the LCD.
just to make sure this is a dead end too, please watch this video if you missed it. I thought about interference too, it is just that the only place where it was happening was where a button could be, like on the dk08 etc, it was not random, there was no other place that caused it to act.
Just to verify, most probably it is a coincidence?
I tried setting D7 (MEMLCD_DISP) to opendrain, I do not see it change state when use the finger touching the "button" area, but maybe this is something I cannot really test.
Glad it's working again! Out of interest do you have the covering on the 2 middle pins of the Bangle charge connector still? Those go straight to SWD so when exposed can cause all kinds of issues.
... but even reverse voltage the charge connector can cause issues. It's very frustrating that the designers didn't even put a diode in there - but yes, you'll have to be very careful with charge cables if you have another 4 pin one that's wired differently - I didn't know those existed :(
On the touch at the bottom of the screen, I'm pretty sure that's just the MEMLCD_DISP pin I'm afraid - probably the CPU locked up and the pin when open circuit, so then interference from your finger could toggle it on the LCD.