Out of interest do you have the covering on the 2 middle pins of the Bangle charge connector still? Those go straight to SWD so when exposed can cause all kinds of issues.
no, I have them exposed, it is a kickstarter watch, I knew what happened the moment I saw the screen go out, so stupid. Well, ok I didn't know, I thought I fried it, but it is ok :)
but yes, you'll have to be very careful with charge cables if you have another 4 pin one that's wired differently - I didn't know those existed :(
the magic has a 2 pin cable, the magnets are at the same distanceas the bangle, but one of them is always on the opposite polarity, so one cannot accidentally make a mistake. I forced in place, and when forced the charging pins of the magic's cable go to the swd on the bangle. My mistake.
just as an info, p22 and magic/rock, do have the same cable and reverced polarity, but they both have diodes I guess, none is damaged by using the wrong cable.
On the touch at the bottom of the screen, I'm pretty sure that's just the MEMLCD_DISP pin I'm afraid - probably the CPU locked up and the pin when open circuit, so then interference from your finger could toggle it on the LCD.
ok that explains it, I was hopping it could be a way to wake the screen, but it was a long shot, you would have found it already. Thanks and sorry for wasting your time.
Your idea on changing the loader to upload the files with something else than ".info" was excellent, I can finally appreciate the bangle. Thank you.
Glad it's working again! Out of interest do you have the covering on the 2 middle pins of the Bangle charge connector still? Those go straight to SWD so when exposed can cause all kinds of issues.
... but even reverse voltage the charge connector can cause issues. It's very frustrating that the designers didn't even put a diode in there - but yes, you'll have to be very careful with charge cables if you have another 4 pin one that's wired differently - I didn't know those existed :(
On the touch at the bottom of the screen, I'm pretty sure that's just the MEMLCD_DISP pin I'm afraid - probably the CPU locked up and the pin when open circuit, so then interference from your finger could toggle it on the LCD.