That makes sense especially if someone codes something like "automatic activity
recognition" where the run app and recorder would be triggered by specific motion
recognition (Is this related to Machine Learning or TensorFlow ?Partly related to this, I spent some time a couple of months ago in prototyping an app which recognizes different activities. This is using Edge Impulse and thus TensorFlow. The tutorial was now published and can be found here.
Disclaimer: While the app works pretty well for me, it's still only a prototype and the code is partly a mess. I tried to use ChatGPT to clean it up, but I got in an endless loop of it breaking existing functionality, and run out of time.
That makes sense especially if someone codes something like "automatic activity recognition" where the run app and recorder would be triggered by specific motion recognition (Is this related to Machine Learning or TensorFlow ? You guys may know)
I'll test it more later.