• Yes, I'm not sure how that'd work for me. And Espruino is Open Source so if they did take on some maintenance and it did do well they could just start putting it on watches and selling them themselves!

  • And Espruino is Open Source so if they did take on some maintenance and it did do well they could just start putting it on watches and selling them themselves!

    This is also true, it happened in my case, it was one of the reasons I stopped the project.

    I will tell you the short story now that some time has passed, maybe it has some usable info. Sorry for the long post.

    One thousand is an undervaluation to be on the safe side, it may be over 3 thousand, I know of some people that bought 100 p8's and resold them. There was a time that on every sale of an p8/p22 on alliexpress, you could see comments verifying the watch is eucwatch compatible or not. In Australia, Korea, Argentina and the UK it was sold from from legit physical stores that sold electric unicycles , flashed and ready, e-riders from the UK had them for 75 pounds.

    I did not mind at all someone making a profit, my problem was that all this was not my work to offer as I pleased, fanoush atc1441 and you were the core, I was just putting pieces together. I tried talking to some of the resellers, asked hem to at least make a note on the sale site that this is an espruino device, put a link to the espruino site, and declare that the money goes to the store for flashing, not me in any way, but the UK dude was pulling my leg, he even changed the eucwatch name to e-riderswatch or something like that. The store from Australia was very nice, he even came to the atc1441 board to learn, but I had this nighmare that you or fanoush will someday see it on the internet, and I would have to explain that I am not an elephant.

    This was my first time ever with javascript, I am no programmer, I am a engineer, I just wanted a watch to use with my EUC. It was super fun, I learned a lot, Fanoush and atc1441 were amazing the way I see it, they helped me in all the ways one could help someone, and I was happy feeling that they do it because they understand that I am in for the fun of it. When the volume of watches got out of hand I was afraid that it may look like I broke the trust.

    Then came a comment by fanoush on the atc441 board, after I again asked his help on something , he said somethiing like "now you are ready to make a business out of it", something like that, the way Fanoush says things, that you are not sure if he pats your back or waiving his finger, and I thought ok, I am one of the good guys for sure, I will prove it, this is the end. A death in the family also helped a lot :)

    the moral of the story is that you are right, some ideas may worth some of your time. The first time I wrote in this board, it was to ask you to consider supporting EUC's. You did not know what an EUC was, so it was not a surprise you dismissed it, but there is still time. Eucwatch is not a toy watch, it is a tool, it helped a lot of people not get hurt, it is monitoring the system and alerting the rider before face planting.

    there was not and still there is not another solution that is expendable, safety needs a watch that costs less than 50 euros, so that if you fall, you wont try to save your 500euros applewatch and brake yous wrists in the process.

    If you care, I can upload some videos from the community, they fused then into helmets as a head up display, they made wrist-guards with holders for the p8, a lot of ideas, the point is that if someone like you that is a programmer takes some time, I am now sure that a cheap dedicated watch for the EUC can surpass generic banglejs sales.

    ps, right before stoping I was asked to support onewheels too, unofficially I mean, but I was already on the doorway, I am just mentioning it because they are the same market.


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