staggeringly few people were willing to pay anything for it
This is so true, I too feel guilty for this. I learned so much using your software, there were over one thousand installations of the eucwatch when I stopped the project, but you got nothing out of it, nor did I, buy maybe a few banglejs sales were lost in the way.
I made a paypal donation a few weeks back, I used my UI for the magic3 for the cat toilet and felt that this time I should return something, I hope it reached you.
I'd have liked that too, and Espruino was originally created as a way to bring together a bunch of third party hardware that was otherwise hard to program, but I had to swap to selling hardware because staggeringly few people were willing to pay anything for it (we're talking me making $30 in an entire year)
I'm sure there are one or two people like you that might support it, but the reality is that the majority of people wouldn't - and as I mentioned in my post above, the process of flashing software to these watches isn't always entirely reliable, and I don't want to be held responsible if/when it doesn't work and the watch is bricked.
This is a pretty good start: