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  • I know someone with a 3D printer, I'll get a solution printed up I think. My Bip watches of an older generation have a cradle that the watch nestles in, and the newer ones have a raised oval on the back of the watch and an oval shaped magnetic arrangement that sits over it. A 3D printed cradle will work fine though, I'm sure. The bip cable with the oval at the charger end with the recessed pins, reduces the likelyhood that it will magnet on to something and short out, too. The charging arrangement of pads flat to the back is very like the original Bip though ( I keep bringing up Bip because I have lots of them, and they're my primary comparison point, lol )

  • ( I keep bringing up Bip because I have lots of them, and they're my primary comparison point, lol )

    The similarities with the bip, especially the 'transflective' display, is a big part of what led me to get a Bangle 2 as well :p


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