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  • Is the apparent lack of integration here a reportable bug

    Yes, I guess - but if you actually mean "will I fix this" then no :) If you or someone else wanted to improve it, it'd be great though.

    I think realistically it might be better to add the code to set DST into the App Loader rather than Gadgetbridge, so at least then it would work for everyone, not just Android users with Gadgetbridge.

    Like many of these things, someone wanted the capability included, so they contributed the code, but then the end result (with widdst) was good enough for them so they never did any further integration on it.

    If I'm totally honest though, I think most people run their Bangle with Gadgetbridge or iPhone, in which case the time will automatically update anyway. One of the main requests I actually had was for the Bangle's timezone to update when people travelled around, and realistically widdst won't help with that anyway - you really need the phone connection...

    Scheduling one timezone change might be in interesting idea (the sched library would do it all, it would just need telling when to schedule), but I'm not sure if it's really worth it for the 2 times a year it happens (if disconnected from the phone) unless it's totally solid and works reliably. The last thing we need is another, different, incompatible method that only works for some users.

    Going back to the original point of this post though - is there really a reason you can't just have a list of timezone->name on the Bangle?

    Re-architecting everything just so you can have 3 characters on your clock face seems like it might be overkill, especially (as @user140377 says) any users might prefer to just see the numerical offset, which can easily be printed right now.


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