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  • Thanks for all the info everyone!

    @joserebelo ok, that fits then. So it looks like handleGBDeviceEvent(GBDeviceEventNotific­ationControl maybe needs to be able to forward requests to the SMS library.

    Either that or we just forward the notifications from Messages/etc and forget about showing SMS direct?

    I don't think we're setting the notification ID correctly when creating the NotificationSpec, so it's always incrementing, even for updates of the same notification.

    Yes - I actually had a fork that checked to see if notifications changed and if so only sent a 'notification changed' message to the Bangle and it worked great, but at some point after I made the fork Notification IDs got broken (it always used to work).

    There was a report a while back about an app that had a notification progress bar, and it would swamp the Bangle with updates - same deal, each update had a different ID


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