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  • I captured a quick GB debug log and it shows this when receiving an SMS on the phone:

    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570958,title:"",su­bject:"",body:"Testing",sender:"Me",tel:­"redacted"})

    Dismissing the notification does not generate a "notify-" action, but I see these for other notifications I dismiss.

    I can also add that I see the same behaviour as described by the OP when it comes to SMS: interacting with the messages UI on the watch doesn't do anything for the notification on the phone. Other apps can have the notification both dismissed and the app being opened depending on the watch interaction.

    The messaging app I'm using is the AOSP Messaging app that comes with my installed Android ROM.

    When I try using a different app for SMS it gets a little more interesting. I installed this one:­ls?id=com.simplemobiletools.smsmessenger­

    The following then shows up in the logs:

    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570974,title:"",su­bject:"",body:"Testing 6",sender:"Me",tel:"redacted"})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570975,src:"SMS Messenger",title:"Me",subject:"",body:"T­esting 6",sender:""})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify-",id:1691570975})

    When dismissing this notification I'm moved to the messages list on the watch, and the first of the above received notifications is still there. With this app it is possible to dismiss the notification using the watch, but not to open the app.

    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570980,title:"",su­bject:"",body:"Testing 9",sender:"Me",tel:"redacted"})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570981,src:"SMS Messenger",title:"Me",subject:"",body:"T­esting 9",sender:""})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify-",id:1691570981})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570982,title:"",su­bject:"",body:"Testing 10",sender:"Me",tel:"redacted"})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691570983,src:"SMS Messenger",title:"Me",subject:"",body:"T­esting 10",sender:""})
    SENDING GB({t:"notify-",id:1691570983})

    Of course, when dismissing, one of the messages still remain in the messages list and needs to be removed manually.

    All of this is on a custom Android 11 ROM. Firmware version of the watch and versions of the involved apps on the watch does not seem to matter since I've seen this behavior for some time.

    Bangle firmware - 2v18.126
    Android integration - v0.31
    Messages - v0.60
    Messages UI - v0.73
    Gadgetbridge - 0.75.0b-banglejs (229)


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